I know I haven't been blogging lately but it's because of my busy schedule :S

As you can see my agenda is completely filled with stuff I
had to do this week. Still working on it. I just finished my Biology article that's due tomorrow and my Drama work. Here's my Chinese Opera Menu worksheet for Drama. Like it? :) My week as been completely busy. I had a Biology test on Monday and today I had a math test. Completely stressed sometimes. I was gonna audition for the strut fashion show of my school but in the end because my partner Sonia had things to do that day. We did not sign up. Maybe next time! :) And something amazing cool that I learned today would be the stuff in APS class. Today I learned that I am a Left brain user. Which means I have math, language and logic skills. But I don't see the math ability that I'm suppose to have in me. I guess the language part does apply. I can't wait until I show my group my Chinese Opera worksheet to them tomorrow!
Have a good day! :)
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