This is a super late post. I'm just trying this out. I wrote a review a while back and I know it's like an 80 episode series and I got to say, if I DID recap all the episodes. It'd mean I SERIOUSLY had nothing to do. I watched this series like twice already but I'm still going to try recapping at least the first episode.
Fun Fact: First time I watched it, I started in the middle of the series because of curiosity. Then I went to the first episode after watching 3 episodes in the 20th episodes.
The episode starts off with tribal music. We see a man in a suit walking into a conference room and a woman sitting at her desk.
The woman and the man talking about the virtues of life. Or at least what everyone looks for. They then identify themselves as people who aren't like the average people. They're saying like how, to women - love is their most important thing. To men, work is the most important thing. However, this man, doesn't believe so - in fact, love is important to him. But for the woman, she doesn't care about love.
She's just started on her career so love means absolutely nothing. In a very uncommon way, both leads introduce us the title of the drama.
真愛 - says the guy in a very natural tone.
找麻煩 - says the girl in a very irritated voice.
(Intro sonngggg! - I love the intro song)
The man who was in a nice suit is now in a zoo keeper's outfit and talking to a bunch of kids about a parrot. Behind him in the bushes is a woman who's watching him and... petting the bushes? When this part was shot, it was shot in the point of view of the woman at times. during her parts, it's as if we were watching discovery channel. The hunter and its prey... Once he's done talking to the children, he walks off and she comes out of the bushes.
She runs at full speed and launches herself at him, which causes his back to hit a railing. She tells him how much she loves him and how he should call her Bazhen (BZ) but Jennifer. He looks irritated then asks her whether she ate salad for lunch. She's surprised that he knows and leans forward to kiss him but he dodges and tells her that he saw it in her teeth. He walks away but she cries out. She starts exaggerating their relationship and cries that he's abandoning her.
Right then, the woman who was talking during the introduction is watching this happen. BZ runs off crying and the woman walks up to the man. She gives him the look and he's like 'uhh...' They argue. She's upset at the fact that he seems to be a man who treats women like tissues. He asks why she even cares. Within the confusion:
A man dressed in a white suit calls out to this lovely lady. She goes over to him and gives him these very cheesy kisses and they walk off. The zookeeper now says that his last name is not Fu but Ke, and his name is Ke WeiXian (WX). The next scene they are both in a room. He's like throwing himself onto her but she's not ready.
She keeps telling him to wait but he gets fed up when he has to wait so she teases him. (My god... he's so touchy LOL!) She tells him she's going to shower. She goes into the shower and... pulls out a phone? Tadah, there's something else to this.
In the next scene, a very loud woman - YainNi (YN), camera man and quiet and weak looking woman enter a hotel asking for a man's room number and key. the weak one tells the loud one no. In the whole confusion and loudness of this conversation WX comes up to them and asks what's wrong.
No explanation given they barge up to the room 504. And just in time too, cause the woman didn't seem to want to see the kissy face man's underwear and pose. However, once the door opens, she throws herself on him and shouts for help while... keeping his face clear of any objects?
He throws himself off the bed after several pictures were taken. And the woman tries to slowly slip away while YN and the weak one talk it out with the man about divorce papers. (Hmmm... perfect set up?) WX spots that the girl's making an escape and follows her. As she's outside he questions her and takes her picture. He asks the guard outside to keep this picture and make sure that she's never allowed to be in this hotel & zoo area ever again.
She's not really bothered and walks off. They have their own nicknames for each other on their first meeting. Home Wrecker and Mr. Fu (which i don't quite get... / it isn't a direct translation... though it's more of my interpretation of their nicknames)
We're now at a different place and she has changed into another outfit. This time less revealing. A car pulls up and the two women who barged in earlier come out. They are here to thank her for helping them.

She pretended to be with him so that they could take pictures of him cheating on his wife. With the pictures he finally signed the divorce letters. So she's actually a good person. The women give her money for helping them but she denies it for if she were to take it she wouldn't be a "super hero". The girl goes home and we see her neighbors all moving out. Her mom (who isn't speaking International mando - so I had to actually read the subtitles sometimes / I believe she's speaking Taiwanese) begs the people to say but they don't which leads them to being the only people living on this street. As they are heading back into their house the mom talks about wishing her daughter were married to a good family. But she insist that she pass the lawyer exam. We also come to know that she has failed this exam 4 - 5 times already because each time she encounters an accident.
The next day they go to the temple to pray for good luck. Coincidentally, WX and his grandma are also there to pray. But instead of praying for good luck in success they are praying to be able to find his destined match.
Not just any destined match though. The destined woman that his grandma had agreed to let him marry long ago. (I'm tired of saying that girl she I'll just tell you, her name is YiJie - YJ, I don't remember when they told us her name but it was somewhere earlier on) So YJ and WX walk off while their parents and grandparents are praying for their luck and see each other. - They go off in a fight
then return to their parents. who both pull out the same good luck writing / paper / number / charm. number 36. This one grants success in work and love / marriage. The grandma is content and goes home happy. And YJ goes home with her family. As she's walking across the street with her family, she demonstrates care - and WC sees this as well - thinking maybe, she's not a bad person after all.
At home (WX's home) his parents and sister (with awesome good looking brother who's played by Kunda) are talking about arranged marriage for their son. But apparently they shouldn't be talking about this as they are sitting at the farthest end of the room so that WeiChen - WC the younger brother
does not hear them and tell grandma. Oh but he does! And he's happy to because he's in need of money. He reaches for his phone and calls his grandma while sitting in a message chair and relaxing. His family realizes and gets angry. But once they steal the phone away to explain - he hasn't really called Grandma yet. He tries bribing them asking them for money and favors or else he'd tell grandma. But all doesn't work because once grandma comes back he immediately spills it. But Grandma's proud and rewards him with 20 thousand dollars. (Or at least I believe she said 20 thousand - as if it was nothing... - or was it 2 thousand?) She then tells them that they don't have to worry as god has given her a hint. Soon they will meet the grand daughter of Ah BaoGe and he'll get married because the charm's words read across from right to left say that they will.
The family is surprised at this charm but also in disbelief because they've had enough of this searching. That night, YJ and WX both hold the charm and read the lines one by one out loud. The screen also alternates between them as if they were linked by the charm already. Both of them put the charm down and the video transitions to the next day.
YJ takes her motorbike and rides to the exam building but not even halfway through, her bike runs out of gas. WX heads out from the office to go pick up someone important for their meeting. weirdly enough, the way he heads, meets the point where her bike breaks down. She clenches her teeth and rushes out onto the road to stop his car (without knowing it's his car) and hops in begging for a ride to the exam building.
They argue again but because she states that she'll cry if she doesn't make it he ignores their hate and drives her immediately. In the car, they are awkward as ever so she utters a thank you once again but oddly enough he disregards it as small talk. He drops her off and tells her to do well. She accepts that little bit of kindness and proceeds into the exam.
However, like every year, something happens to her. Once the examiner comes in and asks for her exam ID, she realizes that she has dropped it in his car. She finds his number through his sister and begs him to come back with her exam ID within 8 minutes. Cross that 6, because they kept arguing. He has his determined face on and drives as fast as he can to get it to her but gets caught by the police before he even gets off the highway.
He gets a ticket and she gets another year added on to her odd misfortune of years. And while all this is happening. Happy granny is walking on the streets while holding the good luck charm.
She spots Ah BaoGe in the streets and run after him but before she gets to him, he gets on a bus and heads back home. She's upset and completely tired from running.
The exam's over and YJ goes home upset as well. She sits on a bench with her grandpa and mom. She cries - another year...
Since I already watched this before it felt like forever to finish. But I did enjoy watching it again. I did try recapping as if It was the first time watching it I hope you got that throughout the recap. Man, I typed so much my laptop's keys are like hot... But I don't feel like this has been the longest recap I've ever done. I do agree though, that the pictures aren't the best ones. I just hope that this got you to want to watch it / want recap no.2. Both leads are good looking. I do agree that the first few episodes were not where I started to get interested in to the drama. it was once they actually found out that they were destined to be that I loved the episodes. When it was airing my most happiest fact about this show was that it played from Monday to Friday so didn't have to wait so long for an episode. It actually made me really happy because I could come home to it everyday after school. Whether it was a bad day or good day. I started this recap at like 10:30 now it's like 1:00...
[EDIT: @ 1:04AM] - Just found a website has snippets of translated parts of Inborn Pair. They put it in a form of Rant and opinion based but still all already typed and up so instead of recaps there is also that.
So I hope you liked the recap!
and Enjoy your day! :)
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