Apr 9, 2012
Today's Special: Absolute boyfriend (絕對達令) EP 1 Recap
I know I normally do full recaps with pictures and such. I would but last night I stayed up watching Lord of the Rings with my brother and friend so I'm like super tired and my head hurts like crazy. Still didn't finish watching Lord of the rings, Still have the last movie to watch, so instead I just watched Absolute boyfriend (Taiwan version). I talked about it a bit in a previous post. I'll do full recap once I have the time, like I always do. When the subtitles are out... you can watch it yourself and my recaps will seem useless.

The episode starts off with
Absolute Boyfriend,
Episode Recap,
Taiwan Drama,
Apr 6, 2012
Today's Special: My current playlist!
Heys! Instead of a Drama recap / review today I'm going to post a bit about myself! :D I know you wouldn't want to read about how my day went or what kind of person I am so instead of that I'm going to tell you what music I have been listening to for the past few days! :) Most of the songs are from Grey's anatomy because I was so addicted to it I just had to listen to their soundtrack to last through my days. Here's the list: