I felt like I needed to change a few things on the website so I tried changing the layout to dynamic views. If you were on the website at the time you could see, every time you changed pages... it had a different view but I stuck to this layout once again. It was too hard to code everything all over again... (Click to enlarge them)
To simply see these dynamic views without needing to change my layout you can also type "/view" at the end of my link and select the style you want at the drop box (in the left corner). Here's the fast way: [click here].
Also! as you can tell I have a new recap that means I've fixed the image limit! I'm still a bit worried about that though cause I don't know if it's actually fixed or it's just me getting lucky right now... and now I've added a Disqus comment format.

The comments are currently being imported into the comment system so if you don't find your previous comment it's okay. It'll come up sometime later.
So why did I change the system? Because you could never get my responses... It was always a new comment and the person who commented before (if they left their email / blog / any way it would tell you i responded) would not get my response. That's why I posted blog posts to respond to anonymous comments.
I hope now, it's better and others can also reply. I don't really know how the profile thing works so that your display changes but to change your posting details I believe you click Disqus at the top of the comment section and select the account you would like to use to comment with. I'm not certain but you can try. (that's if you post... LOL!)
But thank you for reading!
and I hope you have a nice day! (:
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