Jan 26, 2011

Today's Special: Three down, One more to go!

      Hardy har har! Almost done my exams! Just one more to go (Law). YAY! :) which reminds me, I just got back my first law project back. We had to make a project on a job that requires law so we did criminologist (Criminologue - in french) and here's pictures of it! :)
As you can tell it's a big book. We tried to make it look like an encyclopedia. I did this project with my friend Cheryl! :) The red strip is a book mark And at the bottom we taped both our last names as you know normally at the libraries they have the author's last names at the bottom of the binding so you can put them in order. We tried out best to cut out the words nicely to glue them on at the cover and the sides. We painted the words with gold paint and the tabs we made at the side of our Bristol boards that we slide in at the side. So it doesn't open like a normal book but more like a folder? but in the end everyone kept trying to OPEN the book so the book is now ruined and you can only pull out the first tab that allows you to read the first Bristol board we put in. I think our idea is brilliant. Don't you? :S
      And as you can tell I need to cut my bangs cause you can no longer see my eyes. :P Today I will post another song on. And today will be one of my favourite artist! Guess who!

That's right! :) Enrique Iglesias! I started to love his songs ever since the first song I heard of him - which was Hero. This song he sings with Nicole Scherzinger. I could listen to this on repeat all day! But now I gotta go study. Tomorrow I'll start doing recaps again! :) So... 
Have a good day! :)


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