Jan 10, 2011

Today's Special: I'm super Busy

      You know what I hate most about the last month of the semester? It's that you get tons of work at the last minute that is worth a ton of shit points in your entire report card. And if you don't have this you are super lucky. I am so tired of all this work! In French I have to write a debate that's due on Thursday (presentation that day) and it has to be 5 - 10 minutes. Then In history I have a presentation that's around 20 / 30 minutes on Monday of next week. I have a law video I still have to film that's due on Monday of next week. Only work I don't have a project on is Spanish but we all know that I'm going to be at least getting a lot of homework from that. My teacher was so stressed today it was so hard to concentrate at some point. You just want to stand up and tell her that
you're listening and you don't want to fail the exam. I sometimes wish that teachers could give you pity points. From looking at you work so hard they want to give you extra marks. I would totally do that if I was a teacher (that's if it's allowed - cause we all know I'm a rule follower, argss). So what Awesome news do i have to tell you today? 
Nothing actually...
I'm so out of it. Today I'm like some dead skeleton in a cupboard. I have a guidance appointment on Thursday too so I gotta tell my teacher so that I don't clash with my guidance appointment while having the presentation. Args I should scheduled for Friday or something. I should have checked my agenda. Oh wait - I LOST IT D< Args. I even feel stressed for the exams. The only one I'm probably not really stressed about would be world history since what she taught me is actually really in my head. She teaches us like we're in kindergarten (it's not bad - I'm complimenting her). Like she grabs our attention completely her class is so fun I would want to attend it every year but we all know one credit of one thing is already enough. I can show you an awesome song though. Although it's pretty old I love the choreography I would love to learn it but that's after I've done all these stressful projects. 
I must admit my favourte part would be when they have this fancy foot movement and the guitar thingy. Their beat is amazing too. Recently a lot of people have come to recognize such a talented group and I am one of them. My friends who are in love with KPOP already knew about them long ago but I really am late. I only catch things on when they're in trend. their new song BTD (Before the dawn) is also quite amazing. I love ALL their choreography. Their new known dance move is the scorpion leg thingy. Pretty cool Check it out when you have time. Not gonna link the video LOL! Find it yourself cause I'm sure you'll find cooler videos if you searched it yourself on youtube. They have a live version (which showcases their amazing vocal power), practice version (the clearest dance one), and the MV version (the most story planned one). But you must be tired from all the KPOP that I'm showing you so here's an English song.

This song I would love to dance to. I like when they said: They say Hello, they say Hola and they say Bonjour. It just rolls off my tongue when he says it. Hope I'll actually have time to post an entry tomorrow. Since I have Japanese class and I have to finish my debate before I go I probably won't post until very late at night like I am posting right now. Wish me luck for this entire month! I'm trying my best on everything. D; Arggss
Have a nice dayy! :)


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