Today I executed my brilliant plan that will not be revealed until Monday. (Photos may be included). It's a valentine's day plan where many names and red and white is involved. and I'll merge into the valentine's day kinda feel by wearing red, white or pink. I probably won't know what to exactly wear but I'm sure I wanna piss someone off that day! :) I am also thinking about changing up my hairstyle since I'm getting bored of straight bangs lately. I'll probably cut shorter again. 8) But I'm having difficulties cutting the back. So we'll see.
And as you can see :

I added changes to a few pages. (heehee, Eli and Kevin are on my screen caps!) There's now a Love Buffet episode Recap page so that you will not need to search through my entries to find the love buffet recaps. There are only recaps from 3 - 6. and I
did not recap today so 07 and 08 will probably be tomorrow. I'll try to do them as quick as possible but I assure you. The English subtitles are already out so you might as well watch it but I promised I'd recap them so I will. 
And Like my blog stated yesterday. I finally learned how to add the 'read more' setting / button. and due to this fact I have taken away my 'Recent Specials' list on the side bar. So now it's clean and simple. But I'll have updates there as well. And Now about today:
This morning I had Drama and I spent time in the library with the rest of my class and group researching on our Drama theatres. My group has Chinese Opera. Today Jackie wasn't here so there was only Katrina, Sam, Shakeem and I working. We have new assigned roles due to Sam and Shakeem switching roles. Katrina still has the Chinese history role and I still have the Characters and story line role - which I will improve on (as in my notes). At lunch me and Laura executed our marvellous plan! During Math We took notes down again and I realized that I had to work on my math more. We have a quiz on Monday and it counts! :S In Biology we did slide viewing today and we got back our diagnostic test. I... failed it but it's kays. It's not going into our marks so It's okay. in APS we did the photo recognition. where we had to guess who's parent is whose. No one was able to guess my parents out except for Yuvann. Surprisingly I actually felt my face burning when they were guessing. I was turning amazingly red. clearly anyone could tell it was my parents.
Now all I've got is tons of homework and I huge lack of sleep! :) so yeah. Tomorrow I will TRY MY BEST to get those recaps. I'm REALLY sorry. But for now:
Have a good day! :)
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