So Today as always. I have no interesting news to tell you about. Here's a picture of my beautiful dogs.

The white one isn't my dog though. I'm just taking care of him because his owner is out on vacation. :D The big one and the orange one on the floor are my real dogs. All are male. The big one is a German Shepard Huskey and his name is Dolly because I believed he was a girl when he was younger. And the smaller one is a Yorkshire Terrier dyed in an orange colour. I had Dolly since I was very very young so I love Dolly more than Tiger. Tiger's my brother's dog actually. He got it while I was in France. Should've gotten my opinion as well! But oh well - it's all good :)
So today in drama we played another game. I swear I never learnt about these games until now. This game we had to get into groups when she calls a number out and imitate an object. Our objects were eggbeater, motorcycle, family portrait and grasshopper. It was a very hard game because I couldn't remember any of the people in my groups nor remember the way the object was displayed. When we lost we were to sit on the stage and watch the winners play the game. It was much more entertaining watching due to the commentary the viewers and teacher were doing. After that I had lunch with Laura and since this morning we had this thing about roses as candy grams for Valentine's day - I asked Laura if she wanted one but she was to pretend to be super surprised when she received it. :P And then we had math were I super concentrated on math and got a bit more done then in Biology we got to pick our topics and I'm not happy with my topic - The good effects of global warming. Like DAMN I was gonna pick sibling babies or savior children but Sarah announced that she wanted in class so I left it blank and let her take it. Maybe I'll do better with this topic. Then I had APS where me, Laura, Emily, Daniel and my Hubby Aaron went to the library to look for an article and you must be wondering why I'm referring Aaron as my Hubby.
It's because I promised that if in the future (when I'm 40) and I'm still not married both of us were to get married. So he's my future hubby knowing that I don't want to get married. LOL! So yeah that's all for today!
Have a good day! :)
[8:02] - Sorry I've been pretty weird lately but here's a video you guys have to see because I LOVE magic and the magic here is pretty sweeett 8)
I might be posting more later... so stay tuned :P
[8:15] - Kay one more video! :) this one's cutee.
[8:15] - Kay one more video! :) this one's cutee.
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