I have a lot to say lately... LOL!
I just finished an old movie called Death Game Park. when I mean just finished. I mean I really JUST finished it. and I recommend it to people looking for a thriller. No blood what so ever so if you're into gore I'm sorry. There isn't much of it. Only like 3 scenes I think? But there's tons of hitting and dying - just you won't see the dying happening half the time. Here's a photo of the main of this movie:

There isn't much info about this movie around so if you're looking for a better summary / recap of this movie you'd better be looking hard! This movie was actually originated from a 24 episode thing. Each episode was like... 4 - 6 minutes since it was a phone viewed show. Never was it broadcasted on TV. The people in it aren't very known but still they're known. I actually came across this by wiki-ing the cast of Rebound and Asuko March! Aibu and Tori are in it so it was def watch for me. The rest of the dudes and girls... I don't know them. So here's the start of a very rough recap.

The movie starts with Tokunaga Shoudai played by Tori Matsutaka waking up to someone about to hit him with a baseball bat. I'm sorta confused as to where that guy even got the baseball bat. He rolls away and gets saved by Iwai Daigo played by Masahiro Inoue. Now each person in this "game" has their own history and story but we never go into their stories. Only do we know more about Shoudai in the whole movie.

Everyone (the amount of 13 people) are gathered in this unknown place. A screen pops up and it's basically a map of the area they are trapped in (it's quite big the area). It's sorta like a museum with a factory linked to the side of it. Right now is like the parking lot of the museum. A woman starts to tell them that they are in stage 1 of their game. During this stage they are to play Hide and seek. They have 15 minutes to play this game. Instead of just HIDING, they have to find a key card to unlock a door. which will lead you to stage 2. Then the timer starts. Oh and there's a cliche to it.
There are 2 freaky robot guys that are missioned to only Kill. So the game starts. Everyone's running to find the key and reach the finishing line. But one by one they're getting hunted down and killed. The show really just focuses on the main people on the picture I posted. We see those people in the picture (reference time - From wiki):

Daigo's leg in this movie is casted so he has problems walking. Due to this Shoudai goes and helps him. Masao has breathing problems so he uses a puffer. He's very smart and calculative so he just waits for someone to get killed on the spot by those super robots and steals the key card.

Ryouko encounters these paintings on a stair case. She examines them and realizes that all the pictures are of animals except for one. After looking at it more carefully she can see a lion in the picture that "wasn't" suppose to be a picture of an animal. She goes to the lion picture and lifts it revealing a card key. As she was about to pick it up she gets a kick in the face and Kuronoke gets it.

On the other hand Shoudai and Daigo are at a statue of equality. Seeing that the statue is unequal he tries to make it equal again revealing one card key. When they were about to leave the evil robots come up and tries to kill them. Shoudai saves Daigo and Daigo runs off. Then by the end of it Daigo and Shoudai are the only ones left to go through the door to the second stage. But then these 2 robots come up again and start attacking them. but of course Shoudai is awesome and fights them off.

Now they're past the first stage and they're in this isolated room. Everyone begins to think that they need to find a second key to unlock the door. Shoudai starts ripping this picture that gives them a hit as to what the second stage is but no one really cares because it doesn't say *hint all over it. Shoudai reads the words insight.
The door suddenly opens up and stage 2 starts. Everyone passes through the door as quickly as they can and finally reach a room filled with these weird chairs. The woman's voice tells them to sit down. Suddenly these wires strap around their necks and these hard metal bars hold down each one of their arms. Stage two starts. Stage two is to test your memory.
Each person is asked questions about the hall and things that are in the room knowing that they did not pay attention at all. If you get the answer wrong you get strangled to death in the chair with the wire around their neck. And as followed only the people in the picture survive. Since there were other people that survived the card key thingy. (Click to enlarge photos)
The door suddenly opens up and stage 2 starts. Everyone passes through the door as quickly as they can and finally reach a room filled with these weird chairs. The woman's voice tells them to sit down. Suddenly these wires strap around their necks and these hard metal bars hold down each one of their arms. Stage two starts. Stage two is to test your memory.
Each person is asked questions about the hall and things that are in the room knowing that they did not pay attention at all. If you get the answer wrong you get strangled to death in the chair with the wire around their neck. And as followed only the people in the picture survive. Since there were other people that survived the card key thingy. (Click to enlarge photos)
They are then lead into a room. The woman announcer suddenly tells them that this is stage 3 and that they are to find a bomb and defuse it within 15 minutes. A scramble of words appear on the ceiling. Shoudai being the amazing person found out where the bomb is and then this new thing pops up on the ceiling. Telling us how to defuse it but being an evil place. The words had to be red backwards.

After doing what the words said another sentence pops up on the screen and this time the words are scrambled. After doing that another sentences pops up but this time because the guy with the black tattoo starts hitting the guy with the glasses (since he's nervous). (Masao was the one who helped them break each of the codes) Masao dies. Cause he has breathing problems. Shoudai gives it a shot and actually decodes.
Then Ryouko the girl (saw his tattoo on his neck - which meant that he was a GHawk gang person) rat him out and told everything that he's a Ghawk guy makes everyone think he's the one causing their deaths. But Daigo being nice reassures everyone that if he were to kill them all he would've already. The room is finally unlocked and they are to go somewhere else. Since the glasses guy is dead they leave him

Then Ryouko the girl (saw his tattoo on his neck - which meant that he was a GHawk gang person) rat him out and told everything that he's a Ghawk guy makes everyone think he's the one causing their deaths. But Daigo being nice reassures everyone that if he were to kill them all he would've already. The room is finally unlocked and they are to go somewhere else. Since the glasses guy is dead they leave him

*Continued from last night - Now May02, 2011 (3:45)
Shoudai spots where the antidotes are but it's enclosed in a very strong case so he grabs a chair and starts bashing it but it doesn't budge. The angle quickly changes onto Kuronoke who had already planned to kill Shoudai when the round didn't even start. He breaks a glass test tube he found on the table and shoves it towards Ryouko and warns them that he's going to kill her. Shoudai stops hitting the box and turns around. (Click to enlarge photos)Kuronoke then orders Daigo to hit Shoudai until he's dead. Within all the action Ryouko's smart enough and steps on his foot distracting him and runs towards Shoudai. Daigo seeing this rushes towards Kuronoke and attacks him. However, because Daigo has a broken leg (as indicated before) he gets beaten up in return. Being the friend Shoudai is. He starts getting angry and searches for the strength within himself and saves Daigo by kitting Kuronoke by the neck and completely killing him. K. O! But it's too late. Daigo's severly hurt and dies...

(Click to enlarge photos)
As this is told suddenly someone pops up and introduces himself as the one who had the idea to create this game. Under the shinning light we are finally able to see what he looks like. And It's...
Humor to this is that the FIFTH stage is called "Daigo Stage". The Romaji for 5 is Go so. "Daigo stage" - The Fifth stage. :) Haha?So Shoudai's sad because during the entire game he was really concerned for Daigo and we could see that when they were constantly helping each other. As the camera rolls away from Daigo we see that he's holding his leg cast. In fact, he wasn't hurt! *SHOCK! :O. So Everyone's confused now as to what's happening. Daigo starts provoking them and telling them that he'd like to fight them until the end of everything. Ryouko is EXTREMLY upset and wants to run towards Daigo and kill him but being the smart Shoudai he is. He realizes that there's more to it. Daigo laughs at his intelligence and proves that there is something wrong by throwing out a card key that passes through these un seen red laser lines that cuts through the card immediately when detected. Shoudai promises Ryouko that he'll get her revenge and uses these super movements and gets through the lasers easily.

They break into a battle
:S I dunno whether I should continue... because The ending is sorta to your interpretation... I'll just describe what happened but not interpret it until after the recap.

Being amazing as he is. Shoudai wins! YAY! Then we see someone at the computer continously getting angry and drinking water while he's trying to save Daigo. (<-WHAT?) And then he breaks into an anger fit when Shoudai wins and starts staring into the camera installed in the game area. Suddenly these people pop up and they grab this guy who's spazzing. The camera angle changes and we see that it's the guy with glasses (<-wait isn't he dead?) The people who barged in were the police!

The next scene are news announcements on the TV. The broadcasters are basically saying: Someone stole information from the police. There was a game executed to kill prisoners in jail. The person who did this is now caught. We are then brought to another shot where we see another female police examining the room where the computer for the game was seen.

She rips off the picture of Shoudai amongst the dead prisoners of the game. The FINAL scene of the movie is where The glasses guy is being brought to jail and a bunch of people with the black tattoos on them show up before him and we see Shoudai there.

To tell the truth I first did not understand the ending so... I googled it and got to this website: Death Game Park (Whole series) release. And there were MANY interpretations but still it wasn't to my liking so this is what I think about the entire movie. I think that the entire movie was basically a guy who's creating a game based on what really happens to the jail prisoners. As the news said: he stole information from the police. I think the information he stole was to make the characters in the game. (like background info?)
He created all of it and posted it online as like a test try. As the characters were developing it was as if you were playing as one of the characters. So each time the angle in the movie changed to a different person's point of view it was basically like when you were playing in that character. So When you were spot on and chose to answer a question. you see the person in the movie nervous and unable to answer because you yourself don't know the answer. As to when we were able to see the leads' questions. We were also able to be a lead and guess the answer within the time limit. As to when the character actually guessed it right it was as if you had gained an object or had "luck" in the game.
And when we reached the bomb area we realize that the game is interactive because you aren't the one deactivating the bomb yet you feel like someone there who's also going to die during the explosion. As to the ending you see the person who created the game being arrested is as if the game has ended and you are no longer in the game because you no longer get the feeling of being part of it. When you reach to the part where the girl police comes and rips off Shoudai's picture. I believe it's like saying that Shoudai is real and still in prison and alive. The glasses guy getting sent off for jail and you suddenly see Shoudai. It's kind of like: I'm inviting you to play the game for real now! ;)
Also you kinda do get the feeling that it's a game (on computer) as to when the weird screens come up Like at the beginning when there's a map. And when there was the questions to test the memory. Like when you you ever see a screen ever pop up in front of your face without a projector?
He created all of it and posted it online as like a test try. As the characters were developing it was as if you were playing as one of the characters. So each time the angle in the movie changed to a different person's point of view it was basically like when you were playing in that character. So When you were spot on and chose to answer a question. you see the person in the movie nervous and unable to answer because you yourself don't know the answer. As to when we were able to see the leads' questions. We were also able to be a lead and guess the answer within the time limit. As to when the character actually guessed it right it was as if you had gained an object or had "luck" in the game.
And when we reached the bomb area we realize that the game is interactive because you aren't the one deactivating the bomb yet you feel like someone there who's also going to die during the explosion. As to the ending you see the person who created the game being arrested is as if the game has ended and you are no longer in the game because you no longer get the feeling of being part of it. When you reach to the part where the girl police comes and rips off Shoudai's picture. I believe it's like saying that Shoudai is real and still in prison and alive. The glasses guy getting sent off for jail and you suddenly see Shoudai. It's kind of like: I'm inviting you to play the game for real now! ;)

That's all for Today and Yesterday! :)
Have a great day & hope you enjoyed my recap! :)
Nice, I like your interpretation!
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