But it's all good it allows me to do my homework more often than usual! My blog entries won't be very detailed for like... 2 more weeks. (Unless recapping). But yeah I was planning to start recapping Sign too... Grrrr. But yeah. Yay!! I had a P.A day today so I got to rest but tomorrow tons of stuff to do. I have a Japanese exam and a math test. I also have a Drama monologue I should have already memorized by today and an APS journal due tomorrow. Should submit by tonight so that at least if it's not printed I would've already handed something in (online).
Wait for this weeks Rebound Episode recap! If you haven't already read a recap of Rebound click the [Recap] button at the side menu that disappears as you scroll down. If you haven't visited my friends websites before, check theirs out at the [Connect] button at the side menu. And if you'd like to stalk me LOL! You can see what I have planned for the rest of week at the [Calendar] button at the side menu. I'm sorry I have such a short entry today. but it's gonna be like this for the remaining few weeks of my short internet usage.
Hope you had a great day. and if you day hasn't started yet,
Have a GREAT DAY! :)
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