Jan 4, 2012

Today's Special: Drama & Movie suggestions

      Heyys! I haven't blogged here in so long, I wonder if anyone even checks here anymore... So I've recently, gotten tumblr and just kept reblogging there I forgot about actually recapping anything. So instead I'm going to give you a review / suggestion. Once I have more time (it maybe never since I'm grade 12 now...) I'll recap something. Maybe you'll have to wait half a year until I'll start recapping again... However, I do update the status and progress tab. So every now and then you can check whether I've actually done anything. 
      So recently, I've gotten DVDs for real old dramas. They aren't like SUPER old but they are old compared to the ones now. None of the ones now are capturing my interest (in any country or language) so, I've recently started re-watching old dramas and I'm planning to recap the ones that no one ever wants to recap because they are too long or known enough so that it doesn't need to be recapped. Here is the list:
  • Q10
  • Zenkai Girl - I was originally going to recap this but lost interest after 3 episodes
  • Hwang Jin Yi
  • The Princess' Man
  • The Incite Mill - I was originally going to recap this as well but homework got in the way
  • In Time With you - Is completely out, and I know everyone has already watched it I love it so much I'd recap it.
  • Clone Baby - I stopped after episode one (although I watched the whole thing) because I realized I did not download the entire season.
  • Sign - I was originally going to do so, but because I watched the whole season before recapping my episode 1 recap was filled with spoilers... 
  • Nodame Cantabile - Old but popular (I am sure recap is not necessary for this drama)
  • Code Blue Season I & II - Old but popular as well. But I'm in love with it so I'd recap it
  • Heveanly forest - was originally going to recap but lost interest
  • Hanamizuki - was originally going to recap but lost interest
  • What a woman wants - Actually not that interested in recapping but I've never recapped a mando / Cantonese movie so I want to try seeing if it'd gain any views
The two new ones that I'm interested in recapping are:
  • Love Sick / Love Phobia - only doing so because Ariel Lin is in it
  • You are the Apple of My Eye - Only doing so because my friend really wants to watch it but doesn't understand it and no subs are out.
      With your understanding, please go easy on me and do not rush me. (Although I doubt anyone would because all of them are already out and you can watch it on your own). If you would like anything else to be recapped you can request it because these aren't highly requested. If you are searching for Korean recapped dramas you can visit: Dramabeans.
      For eng subbed dramas, Google will help you find them, just in case they get blocked from introducing them on here. I will be releasing short reviews on each of the introduced dramas and movies above during this entire month.I will shortly post another post on one of the dramas / movies above. Hope you're having a lovely break if you're on one. If you're not sitll,
Have a great day! :)


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