Like I promised 2 posts before, I'm going to start recapping again. Here's the first Review of a Drama. This time I'm focusing on a Korean Drama named Sign. I originally didn't want to watch this but, since my mom liked medical and police involved dramas I chose this one for her. Surprisingly I was hooked from the first episode. It was like Code Blue but with a thriller taste in it. Code Blue was more like a Slice of life kinda of drama. From another blog I found the poster pictures for the drama:

Here is the dramawiki to this drama series: here The poster actually gives off a pretty good feel to the drama as well. I really liked how
all the people on the poster had a big role in the drama. With the levitating body in one of the posters you kinda knew it involved dead people. I must warn you, if you're going to watch Sign you're gonna have to be able to see dead bodies being cut open. They have a lot of exposure to the surgery process.

It's quite surprising that I kept watching it when I'm so afraid of blood and surgery. This just shows how good I thought it was.
This drama does not teach you any life lessons but there is a new case, new body and stuff like that in every episode. At the end of every episode you wonder what would be the next case. It also made me more aware of my surroundings. You'd understand if you watched it. You'd be thinking, Wow are there really people like this? If you're worried that you're watching a show with no story line do not worry. They have a case that slowly reveals within every episode (of another case).
So for example: there is this main case called A. A will be the first priority of every character in this drama but, not only do they have to solve A but cases like b, c, d, e... etc will also be happening. It is quite a realistic way to show a forensics' life.

The lighting of the entire drama is also very beautiful. The soundtracks makes it super exciting. This has been out for some time already but I've watched it several times. And to my mom's evil enjoyment. She loves watching it while we eat dinner. She laughs every time she sees the bodies being examined. Sometimes I'd question. Maybe my mom doesn't really see a body but like a piece of plastic. My mom has always been very addicted to dramas I swear she could be a director. Even I analyses dramas and movies now. It's been so bad that my friends can't watch a movie without my comments. I'm like the director comments below the video in subtitles.... Below is the trailer for the drama:
So, if you're looking for a drama filled with excitement, dead bodies, thrilling scenes and amazing background music. This is wonderful for you. However, if you really can't take the cutting of a body do not watch this. Or at least, try and when it has gotten REALLY bad then stop. But I loved it, my family loved it and I'm sure you'd love it too. If you can't wait for my recaps, do not worry, the entire series is out. You can buy it or find it online at websites that have it subbed already. I suggest watching it in VERY GOOD quality cause then it makes you feel like you're actually there. I got all the episodes in good quality and I don't regret it.
Hope that was a good review,
and Hope you have a GREAT day! (:
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