So today, It was snowing. Snow up to the top of my ankles at least. Ellen said it was beautiful but probably because I've seen snow like... EVERY YEAR I'm not that fascinated. But I got to say, this year it looks especially white. I know it sounds weird like how much whiter can white get? but like this time it's actually giving me this Christmas feeling :P
Today in History class we pretended to be in the Olympics in ancient Greece. I was originally in the group for Athens. But I switched with Aaron to go to the Argoes group. I'm not really sure if that's how you spell it. But I failed on the first wheel barrel game. So in the second Disc throwing game I tried to redeem myself. Which I did! WE GOT 3rd PLACE :D And in the Marathon I basically didn't run but I did cheer for my group. Maybe I shouldn't have left my Athens Group... But yeah. I was being dragged at the end of the Wheel barrel thing. I just have no Arm muscle what so EVER. LOL! I thought Sparta was gonna win but in the end they were last. Corinth was First and Athens was second. Argoes was third! (:
But Spanish class was so stressful. My teacher kept yelling at us like sometimes I think that that we'd work better if she didn't scream at us. Like she isn't a bad teacher but the yelling at us really isn't necessary. I know she's just trying to change our habits about how we work but the yelling at us once or twice is enough she yelled at us the whole period... I feel stressed just hearing her yell at us.
Then in Law class we had this test. I'm so not confident about what I got. I'm so nervous. :S Like I studied but the wrong things. I wished we were able to be more confirmed about what to study. I hope at least more than half of it right...
And my most happiest thing of today is that my French mark has gone up! YAY YAY YAY! Now I just have to make it go higher and higher. Gonna work harder to make all my marks good! We were doing a french work in class today and basically it was just really fun. After school I was with Laura, Amanda and Sonia. But the sad things I wont' talk about because I tend to forget them until I read them again or is reminded of them. So The song of the day for today is this song that I can't seem to Embed so I'll just post the link here or I can link you to a youtube video. One sec here's the link: 方大同 - 愛愛愛 - 愛愛愛.mp3 and I'll post the video right under this! :) <3 have a good dayy!
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