Dec 14, 2010

Today's Special: Yum Green Tea!

I gotta say my life isn't really that interesting but something cool did happen today! :)One thing I like about the holidays is that the week before the holiday you get like almost no homework at all. And then during the holidays you get so much you wanna just kill yourself. But yeah I'm enjoying the moment! So today in history we were "exploring rome" YAY... not that interesting. In Spanish class we were basically just having a free study / work period. Then in Law class we were finishing the movie "The accused" or something like that she never really told us the title of the movie... In French we were taking notes on the book "L'etranger". I personally don't like the book but what say have I got on this? :) So now on to night school. Yes I have night school! I take Japanese at night for a credit and because it's our last class for this year we had something special to do. We had a tea ceremony! YAY! so here we go I'll post the photos first then I'll talk more about it. (Kay I'm new with Blogger so I'm having difficulties putting on pictures... :S 
So she teaches us that we are to add the green tea powder and add hot water. After adding hot water  we use this brush that you see at the photo on the very top. (people are mixing the green tea and water). You can also see the brush at the photo on the left side of the screen. Using this brush we have to mix it until it creates small bubbles. That's when you know you've mixed it well. It was SUPER hard mixing it... I have like no arm muscle power! 

 As you can see the out come is like that. Yes it's green. It starts green and ends green. The photo on the left is the first one. It's the powder. The second is the outcome of adding water and mixing it. But I don't know if I mixed it well cause as you can see there aren't much bubbles... :S 

 Here is my friends and I Fooling around. :) The last photo We're holding the brushes. My friend on the right actually didn't like the tea I think it's cause the green tea powder was really.. Strong. Normally at Japanese restaurants they use these really soft ones. I actually liked it but if you look at my photo is looks like I'm in disgust... I'm actually enjoying it deep in my mind and soul! ;) so yeah Fun fun! I should be studying for my book L'etranger right now but I don't really feel like it. It's almost Christmas break no one really feels like working :S But I really do wanna go to sleep. I still have to wrap presents. So I'll do those right after posting this!
Have a good day! (L)


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