Yesterday I spent my day making a Gundam. And that's pretty much it. I don't have a lot to say today since not much happened. My brother, dad and I set up the swingy chair in the backyard if that's interesting. Here's my Gundam:
Looks nice righhtt? :) Well that's really all for today. I've been spending time watching Wizards of waverly place so I haven't done much.
Have a great day!
GUNDAMM!! do ure dads students draw that too? XD it would prob take awhile XD
ahh cool I've got three of them myself.
What one is that?? I can't seem to recognise it (0~0)
Katrinaa; Naww They don't draw that :P
GodzillaRadio; I actually don't know LOL. I found it in my basement. :D
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