Grizzly & I - Sorta |
SO! Instead of a recap I'm doing manga recommendations today! This is mainly because my friend said I should have a break. Therefore, I've been reading manga nonstop for the past few days. Some that I recommend might be old but I still love it as much. I use to be an Otaku - like I continuously kept up with any Anime or Manga update out there but then I kinda lost interest in it and gained it in real life people = Dramas. I'm also a Murdoch Mysteries lover. It isn't considered a drama more like a series but it's one that I will always watch. Other than that it would be the funny ones on TV like The office, How I met your mother, Modern family and all that.
Now my first recommendation would be Yukarism because I'm waiting for it right now here's a blog that supplies manga scans (with english translations): Omari's Sister's Anime and Manga Blog. It's one of the blogs that I follow there she supplies Yukarism scans! It's a very interesting manga. If you're interested in
ancient Japanese life styles blended in with a little time travelling and beautiful art you're gonna love this! Here: Yukarism Here's the series art:

ancient Japanese life styles blended in with a little time travelling and beautiful art you're gonna love this! Here: Yukarism Here's the series art:
Really pretty isn't it? It's only up to chapter 6 right now so if you're someone that likes to read finished series this isn't one of them. Another series that is supplied by Omari's Sister's Is Pika Ichi. I wasn't into it at first. I am still a bit hesitant because it's sorta ridiculous but the art's good! it's about school and justice like any other shojo manga. This would be my second option. But since I'm not that interested this is all I'm going to say about it.
Say I love you or known as Suki tte Ii Na Yo - is a good manga. It's different from what I've been reading so it's good. It's like a break from all the shojo I rushed through.
It's also under the school category but I assure you this is one of the best! You get to see the character change and also the people around the character. Do not worry though it's not like those cheesy changes. it's more like unconsciously changing. I don't know how to explain it but just read it and you'll understand! :)
Last but not least, this is a completed series so you can finish it! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this manga so much. It made me laugh, cry, smile and depressed. but it's good! It's funny but mixed with a bit of romance and the ending just brings you into so much tears you question as to why it couldn't end in another way. at first I didn't like the ending and finally I've come to accept it now.

Hana to Akuma is one of the best manga's I've read! Hana means flower and Akuma means the devil. Therefore the title is called The flower and the Devil. Something so impossible bound together in this manga. The stories meaning and idea is brought out through the ENTIRE manga and till the very end each character is still imprinted in to your brain. It's like living knowing the characters. You have to read it! :) And finally, Here's pictures of Grizzly my lizard! He / she 's New to the family!
What a CUTIE! :) I'm still afraid to hold Grizzly so I haven't taken a picture holding him / her yet. If you're a lizard expert and call tell whether Grizzly is a girl or guy can you please tell me? LOL! My first picture at the top is the closest to holding Grizzly. and that's all for today!
Have a great day! :)
Woow it looks like a chameleon. He/She (sorry i don't know either) is pretty cute!
:D Thank youu!
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