Jul 20, 2011

Today's Special: I'm sorta back

      So you sorta know my internet problems. If you're someone that pays attention to my posting logs then you've sorta discovered my pattern. If I'm gone for like a week or two it means I won't be back until the 24th due to the poor and horrible internet rules here. Like I would buy unlimited but then there's still some sorta of cut back as to how much you can download at a month without you knowing. I'm sorta at the point where I got use to it.
      I've lived a month without internet what can I do. I'm currently at the public library to use the public internet. I couldn't watch anything lately so there will be no recaps until I REALLY get my internet back which is the 24th. 
      BTW, going camping soon! YAY! I'll take tons of pictures of the beautiful area I'm going to! That's all for today, not much can happen within the days of summer school and home. 
Have a great day! :)


Anonymous said...

omgg!! i would die without internet a month!! D:

Anonymous said...

and go on msn once in a while D<

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