So I did a short review before because of my excitement to this fantastic series. This is only a test trial again. Not sure whether I should continue recapping so much. The only reason is because some people have been on my blog searching for Clone baby recaps. If you're interested in more of the episode recaps you can always leave an anonymous comment. And I'll get back to you. It's not as scary reading the episode than watching it alone.
Clone baby is a thriller, as you can tell from it's series title. Args. I wish i could show you a character map...
So the guy in the middle of everything well not exactly middle but the one with a 50 - 50 hair split and a blue sweater, he's the main guy. I always found him weird in the entire show. He reminds me of a goldfish. He always has like these weird expressions on his face. The one I love is the one that has an exclamation and question mark pointing at him. He wears entirely white during the entire show. It's also contrasting to his brother that's under the main girl at the side of the main guy.
So the episode starts with a vague introduction to what the show's about. It's so vague and hard to understand due to the random talk about musical chairs that it leads you to wonder about it. The first thing we see after the creepy vague introduction is
the main guy (Masamune) on a rooftop. He's asking to die.

He looks down the building and starts tilting forward but then my beloved dude in white (Hiro) walks out from behind a wall. (Hiro is played by Tori) Hiro tells the main guy that he can die. and in fact if he dies it would be better for himself. Masamune is confused and slightly scared. Of course he doesn't want to die he just wants all his problems to disappear.

Hiro (knowing what Masamune really wants) does a dramatic reflection of Masamune's behavior and gives him this look. The camera angles different and slightly shows the necklace Hiro's wearing. Before he gets an idea as to what is happening he gets pushed off by Hiro.

As he's falling someone all wrapped up in a wheelchair flashes before his eyes and he sees this girl. Then the series title comes up like a wild fog.
We are then flashed (as an effect) to a research center built based on the cloning system that is available. An employee and researcher of the center explains briefly the stuff that has been cloned in the past few years and it's success. The employee also specifically says that cloning human has been forbidden and still under process.

Before finishing the walk down the creepy hall way the director of the center appears before the large group of business people and explains in a very creepy manor as to why we are not allowed to clone humans. The group of business people run away and his slightly smiley face slowly becomes a very serious face.
Now we see a class room. A very strict and serious teacher is teaching kids about the cloning of the sheep Dolly. All the students get hyped up and start talking about how cloning is useless because if we could just clone humans there would be no need of sex. The class goes wild except for one kid (Masamune's sister).
The teacher grabs the chalk and screeches it over the chalkboard. Us as viewers do not hear it so don't worry but seeing everyone grab hold of their ears you also do the same. Experiencing the horror of chalk. The teacher then calmly begins class again. (Btw, each time we change scenes a slight sound from a human is produced like a soft whisper into an ear.)

After being in a class room you experience being a police on scene of a murder. They describe a murder of the July 7th people. All people that were born on July the 7th and is of the age 19 has been murdered for the past few weeks creating a terror to the community. This time the liver has been taken out of the body. However, the killer is still not found.
Now the real drama starts. Masamune wakes up and he sees Hiro at the window smiling at him scared he... wakes up again? (A bit weird but it seems that it was just a dream). Now he sees his dad and sister sitting beside his bed. His dad goes to get the doctor as he sits with his sister telling him that he fell down the stairs and hurt his arm.
He tries to think back but all he sees is the moment when he got pushed off the building. at that very moment a researcher drops an important sample on the floor and apologizes. The director looks at her in a creepy way and simply tells her to make another copy "That's what clones are for right?"

Masamune now goes to school and everything seems normal. No body's different. He gets out of school and reaches for his bike then someone calls out to him. He looks up and a bright light blinds him as to seeing who it is. He answers the person then discovers it's his friend Marika.

He gets this flashback. Both he and Marika are in this cafe talking about their studies. They hold out their arms that have the same birth mark and bracelet on top. Both of their hearts beat (one single beat) loudly and both retreat shyly. Presently he looks at this arm and realizes that he no longer has the bracelet on. She looks sad and wonders as to why he has only discovered it now.
Now it's night time and Masamune is making his way home when he encounters his bullies. He turns around wanting to avoid them but it's useless. One of them throws out a baseball and it hits Masamune right on his shoulder making him fall directly to the floor.
He gets dragged into a van and gets beat up to the point where he can't move anymore. The scene changes and now it's the police officers talking about the case. Since the DNA of the dead body and the weapon used are the same the speculate that the person suicides. But the odd part is that the person was ABLE to take out it's liver and organs before dying?
A person with a red umbrella approaches him and as the camera slowly angles up we already know it's Hiro from the colour he's wearing. Hiro circles around him with the complaints that Masamune would've said out loud if he had the courage to.

He leans forward and asks him if Masamune would like to change his life. Whether he'd like to be someone else. Masamune pleads that he does and Hiro reaches out his hand and shakes as if he had taken the contract to change his life.

The whisper comes again and we are now at a colourful apartment where a hacker has finally broke into the police station's files. He finds out about the July 7th killings and gets excited seeing the picture of the dead people. He wildly shouts and starts twirling.
The next morning Masamune is late for school he gets to school and finds Hiro sitting in his seat. Hiro whispers into his ears "I took the test instead of you" and leaves. Then we see Masamune's sister side of the story where she's with her calm teacher and putting on an act of being really upset that she's leaving.
Before leaving with content from ranting at her teacher about how bad she is. Her teacher grabs a tape recorder she put in her cabinet and shows her a clip of the girl going through her stuff to find the test answers.

Back to Masamune, he is very careful as to not be found by his bullies. as he reaches the point where they always find him he discovers that Hiro is being hit on the floor just like he was before. He leaves immediately.

Then we are brought into a very very dark room where someone's playing darts. He throws it and it precisely hits the picture of Marika. We don't see his face but the camera zooms into his neck where he has the same necklace as Hiro. In contrast to Hiro he's dressed all black.

Now back to his sister. The teacher leaves the room and masamune's sister comes out from the shadows. She goes to the computer to see what the teacher was doing. She reads:
Now back to Masamune, the next day he plans to meet with Marika at the cafe. When he arrives he sees Marika and Hiro talking. He still believes that Hiro is living his life for him and goes up to him asking him what he's doing. Hiro looks at him oddly and states that he took his life. And that he shouldn't just expect the bad to be taken away.
by his life - he MEANS his life. Hiro starts asking him how he felt like when he died again. He asks him why he's alive and what's with the arm. Masamune finally starts to question himself the same questions. Hiro leaves with a smile and Masamune leaves to the hospital to find... something. He doesn't know what but he feels like there's something he has to do here.
As Masamune walks past a dead person being shipped to the freezer (where the dead people are placed before they get put into their grave) the person's arm falls down. He turns around and looks at it closely seeing the same birthmark he hand on the arm. He also sees his bracelet on it.
His eyes widen (that's when he looks like a gold fish the most.) and he immediately goes home to ask his dad. When he gets him Hiro's sitting with his entire family eating.
Masamune shouts at him and asks him what he's doing here. His family looks at him oddly. We are then flashed to the director of the research center walking into a room with a person all bandaged up lying on the bed.
and then we're back to Masamune and the family. His sister gets up and looks at him asking him:

the main guy (Masamune) on a rooftop. He's asking to die.

"The guy hits himself..."Both police realize that it's impossible. But then... how can the attacker and the victim be of the same DNA? we are then thrown back into the scene where the bullies attack him. They throw him back out the van and leave immediately as he lays on the floor.
"Throws himself onto the floor"
"and stabs himself?"
"Then takes out his own organs..."

Exclusive divine providence
Magnetic Laws
Asterisk Plan

"Who are you?"

*End of EP 01
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