Katrina & I |
Today was a fine day! But it started off bad. I had a field trip today so I switched bags. I forgot that my wallet was in my school bag instead of my field trip bag. (My wallet has my bus passes) so I couldn't get on the bus. I kept calling my house so that they could bring it over but in the end I just ran home and asked my dad to drive me. When i got to school I met Edmund in the hall who was nice enough to walk me to my locker. (THANK YOU EDDIE!) which then lead to the library. Our field trip wasn't until 10:30am. So we still had first period. and once again we were running over the script here's a picture:
Still the same people of course! Then I had lunch and only had my soup so that I could have my sandwich on the trip. We were waiting outside for our teacher. I got to miss Math class and APS class. I still need to check the moodle for the presentation slides. After that we walked all the way to the school where the kids came from for Chinese Opera Project
[1] [2] [3]. (<- links to previous posts about Chinese Opera Project!) Here are pictures of my day:
While we were on this field trip the fire alarm actually went off in the school so we had to evacuate. We also had a code red in my school. Sadly I missed it. I heard it was for like half an hour. Fun!
Heehee YAY! Firetruck! I remember Micheal Bublé wanted to be a Firetruck when he was a kid. Trevor Boris actually said he wanted to too! :P Today was a fun day! :) Finally If you watched the video with the circus theme yesterday - here's the LIVE version of the song! If you're one to learn dances of MV's you can try this one~! (: Here it is:
They're lovely Live! Sounds like they could go big! (: can't wait until their next theme. I wonder what interesting thing they're going to show us! :P That's all for today!
Have a great day! :)
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