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So if you watch this drama and not only read recaps Oba once again retells what has been happening in the past few episodes but I won't if you want to know you can look at previous recaps. (<- Click to see previous recaps under Rebound Category). The episode starts with Oba lying in bed and reaching to the side for Imai. But he's not there. She opens her eyes and looks up seeing him get dressed. But don't worry he's not leaving her. He's just getting ready for a morning run. She insist that she comes and both of them go to work out at the gym.
At the gym they both talk about their past and how they got bullied as kids and never wanted to go to P.E class. After that they go back to the shop ANGE. As he's taking out a tray of cakes Oba gets a phone call from Kensaku. She remembers what happened last night (how she left him alone at the restaurant.) He's calling from the company asking her whether she'd like to watch DVDS with him tonight at his house. She starts hesitating and finally tells him that she's in a relationship now. He gets it. And immediately hangs up after she says "See you"
Oba turns around and realizes that Imai was there listening to her the whole time. But it's all fine. They end up getting hungry and reaching out towards the cake. However stopping each other from eating. They lean in for a kiss when she gets another call but this time from the company asking her to get back to work (although it's her day off). She says her goodbye to Imai (using a very cheesy, 'you shot me' kind of method) and runs her way back to her company.
There she has to help the company take pictures of the new products and learn about them. She's very cheerful and bright and starts hopping around. That's when Imai's previous girlfriend comes in and congratulates Oba on being able to get so far. She comments about her jumpiness. She also states that she knows that Imai got skinny again and that she should pay a visit to him. Oba gets nervous and afraid that she'd steal him back. Right then she pulls out a joke (Or so we think!) that she still has feelings for Imai and wants him back. She assures Oba that she has no intention what so ever and wishes them the best and leaves with a smirk on her face. Oba's boss suddenly appears and tells Oba to re-write the script because she doesn't want a happy ending. She wants conflict something that people can talk about. Oba gets straight to it and doesn't understand why there has to conflict.
She spends the whole day trying to think of a conflict but the thing is that this is her life that she's writing about so she couldn't think of anything. As everyone's leaving she realizes that she has more work to do and runs late on her date with Imai. Imai's waiting at the fountains where she found out he was fat. He waits impatiently for her. As she runs to him he pulls her to the movies. He picks a movie he likes the most and she falls asleep. He gets angry so she keeps herself awake although she hasn't slept in days. They then try to find a restaurant that Imai liked the most. In result the restaurant had moved and they end up at a shabby family restaurant that's filled with noisy people.
She finally gets home and first thing she does it weighing herself. Then has a chat with her best friend about her day. She complains about having the most tiring first day ever. Her friend states that dates aren't suppose to feel stressful but enjoyable. But Oba keeps trying to defend Imai's point a view and even gets on her friend's bad side. Oba feels bad so she takes her friend's opinion and plans to talk it out with Imai the next day.
But it doesn't get any better. The same thing repeats. She arrives at the shop and they do the weird cheesy Hellos. And the little girl comes to the store and eats free cake again. (I wish I was her. I love cake...) this time the guy who saw Oba fat and skinny last time also comes by. Unknowing that Oba works there. He orders a few cakes, looks up and finds her. He's so mesmerized by Oba's beauty and freezes on the spot. Imai defends Oba by stating that she's his fiancee and employee. The guy's shocked and hurt. Unable to take it all in at once walks out of the store still looking at her. He hits the door and forgets the cakes he ordered.
But Imai wasn't lying or joking about the fiancee thing. He tells Oba to close her eyes as he leads her to somewhere. As she opens her eyes to her 'Surprise' he prepared. She finds herself in a wedding hall. She's shocked and unable to process everything. He tells her that a wedding is a lot of work and requires a lot of money and time so he plans on booking it before they even get married. He then brings her to a wedding store. She comes out of the change room in a wedding dress. His smile is literally from ear to ear. She's stuttering though. He even lays out the fact that he has the honeymoon planned. She tells him that it's not possible because they don't have parent permission yet. He looks upset and looks like he's about to give up. But it's not true. He grabs her hands and says that they'll go meet them NOW.
The next scene she's at her parents house kneeling in front of them. He bows down and begs them for approval. (They haven't even met you yet buddy, SLOW DOWN!) They ask whether he's here to say Hi. instead he's here to asking for their daughter's hand in marriage. The dad tries to stop him from bowing and asks whether he wants to eat anything. As he's eating and complimenting her dad's food. Oba goes to her mom telling her that she can't take all this. Her mother tells her that a relationship is something for two. If one cares too much or too little then the other will feel burdened. On the other hand she should care about her weight. Her mom tells her that she's a bit too slim and she should be careful on her diet. Especially because there's a very dangerous pill out in the market lately.

The camera angle changes and this time we see Imai. (Wait what?) Yes, we see Imai at the SAME doctor asking the SAME question! He gets up and states that It's not a question for him but a question for his friend. The doctor nods and gives him the same look he gave Oba and types into his computer: Potential Overdose.
The next scene Oba's at the company and arranging clothes for the conference. She talks to the chief about still being unable to think of a topic. The chief gets angry and starts walking out the door and suddenly Oba shouts out: "Chief! Why do people get married?" The chief stops walking and everyone feels awkward. Oba says she takes it back but the chief likes the idea. In fact that's what she wants Oba to write for her next column. Oba reaches out her hand for hope that she'd take the idea back but instead her boss takes out the plane ticket for the fashion show next week in Paris. Oba immediately brightens up and gets to work.

The next day she goes back to the store feeling horrible. The little girl from the cake store spots her as she's watching Imai in sorrow. Oba runs out of the store trying to avoid the little girl but instead the girl chases after Oba telling her that she has to come back because Imai feels horrible and said he'd never make any cakes anymore if Oba doesn't come back. Oba feels horrible and crosses out what she wrote in her calender about going to paris. She replaces it with "Decides to get married to Imai."

Imai, Oba and her friend arrive at a church. He asks her whether she wants to marry him and she nods her head and they all enter the church (her friend's reluctant though). As they are making their vows. The priest asks once more whether anyone would object and Kensaku from a far raises up his hand and we hear "I object!" but it's not kensaku. It's Imai. He asks her once more whether she'd regret it or not. She says no. But then he says he will because he's not ready and he knows that she's only doing this for him. He tells her that he's sorry and gives her his new cake he made. Her bells of happiness ring again.
Imai tells Oba that she can now go to Paris. But Oba still hasn't told them that she quit. The next scene they are sending her off at the airport to Paris. She tells them to leave early because she isn't really going (she doesn't tell them that but it's what she's doing.) After they leave she ends up just sitting there. Not knowing where to go.
The credits roll in and we see Imai at the store happy as he puts in the new cake. His ex suddenly comes into the store crying and hugs Imai saying that she now knows what she's done wrong. Then the camera rolls onto Oba who's still at the airport. looking at her phone. Kensaku suddenly appears into the camera angle and asks her "want to come to my place?" The episode ends with Oba asking him how he knows and he smiles.
I honestly didn't like the previous episode. This one was better. But still there isn't this spark that grabs my attention. And I KNEW that girl was evil ever since I first saw her. Horrible ex girlfriend. Said she wouldn't do anything and once Oba is gone she throws herself onto him. D< EVIL! and OMG Kensaku is too cute! LOL! He keeps doing these really cute things. First he calls her asking whether she'd like to see DVDS with him and then tweeting for advice. But he was sorta creeper a few episode before when he was asking to sleep on her thighs... that was awkward. Got to say this is one long recap. I put effort into it! (: hope you liked it and since it's the end of the day here!
I wish you a great day tomorrow or now if it just started wherever you are! :)
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