I'm sorry that I'm not recapping EP 2 , 3, and 4 but those episodes were bullshit. I'm not saying they were absolutely horrible, I'm just saying, it was hard to watch due to the fact that I don't like XX. <- the girl's name. This show is like a ton of Taiwanese dramas mixed together. It's basically like: Devil beside you, and the Fierce wife mixed together. With some bits of other dramas to create the story line.
If you have been watching it then you know that there's this new girl name
XX working with them at the bread store and there's a slight development between
ML and her fiancee's brother. But really cause I can't keep up with it here's a slight recap without pictures yet. I'll print screen pictures when I have time but really here's a reallly really brief one:
So in
EP 05 she finds out that her husband is actually in a relationship with
XX right before the wedding.
(if you don't know the shorten names please refer to my EP 01 recap situated in the recaps tab at the top or click [here] ) YL who is
ML's fiancee's brother has actually started to like
ML who hears her fiancee talking to each other drives her car into a pole and causes a car accident.
YF who's worried about her looks for her after he hears that she's been in a car accident. He goes to every hospital looking for her. When he does find her he lifts her up into his arms and