KwangMin is still as beautiful as everrr! I love his new haircut makes him look older! :) The song's very quick and up beat. They are also wearing colourful pants which makes me happy cause they look beautiful. can't wait until they preform live version. I haven't posted in so long and one of the posts I do when I'm sorta back is about Boyfriend, isn't this just wonderful? LOL! So here's the MV:
Oct 5, 2011
Sep 26, 2011
Today's Special: In Time With You - Short Recommendation
Helloooosss, Sorry for not posting here for such a long time. I haven't been posting on Tumblr either if you're wondering. So today I'm going to tell you about a drama called: In Time With You. The Chinese title is:我可能不會愛你. Here's a poster view of the people in this drama,
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In Time With You / 我可能不會愛你 |
I'm not too fond of the main guy cause he's a bit too soft. But he's similar to my friend so I'm okay with it but in episode 2, this guy named Nic (in the drama) shows up and just throws you off completely by how good looking he is. So WATCH IT! :)
So here's a short summary of the whole show (that hasn't been
Aug 17, 2011
Today's special: More Manga!
I haven't been recapping so I'll give you some manga recommendations. And check out my Reviews tab at the top. They are old posts but they may be posts you haven't read before. So in today's posts I recommend 4 of the mangas I've re-read recently.
It wasn't complete before so I gave up on reading it but I really like the main character. She's very cute and innocent. The way she deals with everything and understands the other character's feelings is really interesting. The way she thinks is also like a little kid which gives you a feeling of protecting her when something goes wrong. If you're in for romance mixed in with a
Strobe Edge |
Aug 13, 2011
Today's Special: Love Keeps going EP 08, 09, & 10 RECAP
Once again since I'm not too interested in the drama. I only watch it when I have nothing else to watch. And I click to the parts I want to watch so my recap isn't very useful if you want full details. Once again no pictures because I didn't spend time to actually watch the entire thing and print screen it. But hope this helps you understand it a little if you've missed anything.
(To know what the short forms of the name represent who go to EP 01 recap
- it is also a full recap with pictures.)
So in Episode 08, We're still at how everyone doesn't like XX and YF. ML slowly starts to give up on the bakery to stay by YL's side. On the other hand ML's brother and YF's sister start to create a love line. He defends her from her previous lover and the head off to a good start. ML's bakery isn't doing well and has accepted to create a batch of their (bread) for something. XX tries to bake it but it's far from how good ML bakes it and still presents it to the people. ML hears of this (from a phone call from YF - who XX finds out and bitches at him) and arrives with a nicely baked loaf. She then promises that they'll provide a better service next time. When they arrive back at the shop, XX tells ML to teach her how to make the bread. Everyone's eyes are like (wtf?) but ML agrees and while teaching her she tells XX that she forgives her. She leaves and XX ends up crying not expecting ML to forgive her. Then
Aug 10, 2011
Today's Special: Drama and Movie Recommendations
I haven't been blogging here at all and I'm sorry. As you can tell from my previous blog that I've joined Tumblr and my short entries are there. But my recaps are here. I haven't been watching Ouran High school Host Club Live action, but instead I'm watching Myeong Wol the Spy and Protect the boss. I won't be recapping those because they're of the Korean category and there are better recapping sites out there for Korean Dramas.
If you follow me or just check out my Tumblr you can follow with what I do but I don't post any recaps there. What I have been currently doing that I haven't posted on Tumblr would be trying out Guitar and the violin. I can play the C scale on the violin (not that good though) and currently trying to play the Banmal song by Yonghwa and Seohyun from WGM (CN.Blue and SNSD).
Since I haven't been recapping I can at least tell you what's good to watch currently! As to dramas and movies here's a list:
Aug 3, 2011
Today's Special: I joined Tumblr!
But not to worry. I'm still here on blogspot. I'll post my large posts here and my recaps here! :) No worries I won't give you guys up! If you've been following me ever since my piczo websites I thank you. And if I've promised to fix it yet changed it into a side blog I'm sorry. Tumblr will be posts more about myself. Posts here will be more of recaps and long posts *including photos.
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Click to go to my Tumblr :) |
Thank you for your support until now. Once again if you want to find my recaps go to the recaps tab at the very top. For updates and progress reports go to the tab at the top.
Have a great day! :)
Aug 2, 2011
Today's Special: I'm back from Saugeen Riverbank!
I wasn't able to blog and write recaps for the past few days because I was at Saugeen Riverbank Campgrounds. It's beautiful there! And I took amazing photos! I also brought my Polaroid camera and took a few. The first day we stayed on the campsite and played Kayaking and fishing. I was also skipping rocks. Here are some photos:
The fishes were tiny so we basically just used a net and hands to catch them. We also caught small lobsters. I know! that sounds absolutely weird. but it's true! See:
Jul 28, 2011
Today's Special: Teen Top, INFINITE, & Boyfriend
Since I have no recaps available I'm gonna be talking about what I've been screaming for the past few minutes. (: First of all Teen Top released their MV for No more perfume On you a few days ago. I don't like the title but it's an okay song. I just like the fact that they have a new song cause I love them so much. I would like it better if the others got to sing more, but that's not for me to say. Their album picture is this:
Everyone looks classy! 8) But after listening to all the songs I'm not really attached to the songs. The only one I really like would be No more perfume on you. But here's their comeback video:
Jul 24, 2011
Extended Special: Love Keeps Going EP 05, 06 & 07 RECAP
I'm sorry that I'm not recapping EP 2 , 3, and 4 but those episodes were bullshit. I'm not saying they were absolutely horrible, I'm just saying, it was hard to watch due to the fact that I don't like XX. <- the girl's name. This show is like a ton of Taiwanese dramas mixed together. It's basically like: Devil beside you, and the Fierce wife mixed together. With some bits of other dramas to create the story line.
If you have been watching it then you know that there's this new girl name XX working with them at the bread store and there's a slight development between ML and her fiancee's brother. But really cause I can't keep up with it here's a slight recap without pictures yet. I'll print screen pictures when I have time but really here's a reallly really brief one:
So in EP 05 she finds out that her husband is actually in a relationship with XX right before the wedding. (if you don't know the shorten names please refer to my EP 01 recap situated in the recaps tab at the top or click [here] ) YL who is ML's fiancee's brother has actually started to like ML. ML who hears her fiancee talking to each other drives her car into a pole and causes a car accident. YF who's worried about her looks for her after he hears that she's been in a car accident. He goes to every hospital looking for her. When he does find her he lifts her up into his arms and
So in EP 05 she finds out that her husband is actually in a relationship with XX right before the wedding. (if you don't know the shorten names please refer to my EP 01 recap situated in the recaps tab at the top or click [here] ) YL who is ML's fiancee's brother has actually started to like ML. ML who hears her fiancee talking to each other drives her car into a pole and causes a car accident. YF who's worried about her looks for her after he hears that she's been in a car accident. He goes to every hospital looking for her. When he does find her he lifts her up into his arms and
Today's Special: Ouran High School Host Club (Live Action) EP 01 Recap
OMFG! I just watched it and of course it's not as good as the anime - which was equally well done as the manga. but MY GOD! It's refreshing to watch.

The episode starts with Haruhi the main character walking to school called Ouran Academy. She looks like a guy because of the haircut she has. Everyone in this school is described to be rich and taken cared of at any second of their day. This is shown with the available tea time in the library and the luxurious cars dropping them off to school.

Haruhi tries to look for a quite place to study and ends up bumping into Mr. darkarts (forgot his name) in the halls. He warns her that if she were to continue walking she'll end up having an entirely new experience. Which she doesn't believe and continues on. She ends up at a music room.

As she opens the door a beautifully brightened place was visible. And a group of guys wearing the school uniform show up behind her. They knew her name and everything but believed that she was a guy. The leader Sou has never had
Jul 20, 2011
Today's Special: I'm sorta back
So you sorta know my internet problems. If you're someone that pays attention to my posting logs then you've sorta discovered my pattern. If I'm gone for like a week or two it means I won't be back until the 24th due to the poor and horrible internet rules here. Like I would buy unlimited but then there's still some sorta of cut back as to how much you can download at a month without you knowing. I'm sorta at the point where I got use to it.
I've lived a month without internet what can I do. I'm currently at the public library to use the public internet. I couldn't watch anything lately so there will be no recaps until I REALLY get my internet back which is the 24th.
BTW, going camping soon! YAY! I'll take tons of pictures of the beautiful area I'm going to! That's all for today, not much can happen within the days of summer school and home.
Have a great day! :)
Jul 11, 2011
Extended Special: MR [2], Zenkai Girl & Ouran High School Host Club Live Action!
So I just recently discovered that Aragaki Yui's new drama is soon to be released! I'm still not really sure what the drama's gonna be about but the male lead looks pretty good:
Also! If you're a manga reader I'm sure you've heard of Ouran high school host club. They're having a live action! EEPS! It's coming out on the 22nd I believe. Here promo poster:
Of course they don't look exactly like they do in the manga but it's okay. We were all probably hoping for the cast of Hana Kimi to be in it. Well at least one of the cast members is in it. To see their interview and learn more about this drama
Today's Special: July 08 & Polaroid Camera!
You must be confused. I know! It's not July 8. :P July 08 was my Birthday! and I haven't been blogging because I have summer school. I'm currently learning about advanced functions. It's a pain. but I'll get over it once I'm done July. Since I don't have much to say I'll tell you about that day - July 08.
First it starts off with. My summer school is a night so in the morning while my friends are at a different summer school (morning classes). I stay at home reading manga. I would love to watch dramas but none seem to be interesting anymore. I didn't even bother to watch Fallen for you or something like that. Even though Park shin Hye is in it it's not really worth it. Looks boring :S
First it starts off with. My summer school is a night so in the morning while my friends are at a different summer school (morning classes). I stay at home reading manga. I would love to watch dramas but none seem to be interesting anymore. I didn't even bother to watch Fallen for you or something like that. Even though Park shin Hye is in it it's not really worth it. Looks boring :S
First person to come was John. my friend that I've been friends with for like... 7 years. Everyone else was late. By now I kinda realized that my birthday wasn't really important. I use to invite like 30 people over and have 3 cakes and a huge BBQ. This time I only invited the close people and even though half of them did not come (could not come). I was still happy. My god father from Hong Kong also bought me a Polaroid camera (I actually joked around about wanting to have one. Of course I wanted one but I dunno the film is expensiveeee~). I walked over to the post office to pick it up and when I got home it took me a while to open it cause I was absolutely shocked that he'd get me one.
Here are the pictures my dad took for us using the Polaroid camera:
Jul 3, 2011
Today's Special: Gundam
Yesterday I spent my day making a Gundam. And that's pretty much it. I don't have a lot to say today since not much happened. My brother, dad and I set up the swingy chair in the backyard if that's interesting. Here's my Gundam:
Looks nice righhtt? :) Well that's really all for today. I've been spending time watching Wizards of waverly place so I haven't done much.
Have a great day!
Jul 2, 2011
Today's Special: Manga recommendations
Grizzly & I - Sorta |
SO! Instead of a recap I'm doing manga recommendations today! This is mainly because my friend said I should have a break. Therefore, I've been reading manga nonstop for the past few days. Some that I recommend might be old but I still love it as much. I use to be an Otaku - like I continuously kept up with any Anime or Manga update out there but then I kinda lost interest in it and gained it in real life people = Dramas. I'm also a Murdoch Mysteries lover. It isn't considered a drama more like a series but it's one that I will always watch. Other than that it would be the funny ones on TV like The office, How I met your mother, Modern family and all that.
Now my first recommendation would be Yukarism because I'm waiting for it right now here's a blog that supplies manga scans (with english translations): Omari's Sister's Anime and Manga Blog. It's one of the blogs that I follow there she supplies Yukarism scans! It's a very interesting manga. If you're interested in
Jul 1, 2011
Today's Special: HAPPY CANADA DAY!
<3 U - Ellen & I |
I know I haven't been updating at all. Here's what's been happening. I volunteered at my school graduation on Wednesday then had a sleep over that night. Thursday I played with my friend that slept over. and Today's Canada Day. We let Peter and Mary free and got a new pet! It's a lizard and we just named him / her today Grizzly. If it's a girl we say Grizzly. if it's a guy we can always change it to Griz-ley! So Here are some picture of Ellen, Hyson and I playing sparklers for Canada day:
Jun 27, 2011
Today's Special: Clone Baby EP 01 Recap
So I did a short review before because of my excitement to this fantastic series. This is only a test trial again. Not sure whether I should continue recapping so much. The only reason is because some people have been on my blog searching for Clone baby recaps. If you're interested in more of the episode recaps you can always leave an anonymous comment. And I'll get back to you. It's not as scary reading the episode than watching it alone.
Clone baby is a thriller, as you can tell from it's series title. Args. I wish i could show you a character map...
So the guy in the middle of everything well not exactly middle but the one with a 50 - 50 hair split and a blue sweater, he's the main guy. I always found him weird in the entire show. He reminds me of a goldfish. He always has like these weird expressions on his face. The one I love is the one that has an exclamation and question mark pointing at him. He wears entirely white during the entire show. It's also contrasting to his brother that's under the main girl at the side of the main guy.
So the episode starts with a vague introduction to what the show's about. It's so vague and hard to understand due to the random talk about musical chairs that it leads you to wonder about it. The first thing we see after the creepy vague introduction is

Jun 25, 2011
Extra Special: Material Queen & Hayate the Combat Butler - First Impression
I know! I'm posting again. It's sorta because I don't want to write in my previous post as an update since it's been hours since the last post. I think it's because I haven't been on for so long that I'm just so late in these drama things. Well I won't be talking about Korean dramas but instead I'll talk about Taiwan Dramas. One that I'm leaning towards is called Material Queen (拜金女王) because Vanness Wu is in it. And no Ady An is not in it although I would've loved it better.
Material Queen |
As you can see she's close to Ady... Kay I lied. I think Ady is prettier. But still. I didn't watch any episodes yet but I saw the extended preview which was like almost half an hour long. It's quite interesting but a bit confusing because the order is a bit weird. In this drama Vanness Wu is acting as a music student who is hired to pretend to be a rich son to keep the real guy's identity. He then meets this girl who is in love with money.
Believing that he is the real rich guy she follows him around for 2 days and falls in love with him but in the end she leaves her old rich husband for him. She then learns that
Extended Special: About Drama recapping

I know I haven't been recapping lately. and I just released the recap for Love keeps going EP 01 which is super late because episode 04 is coming out soon. Therefore I believe my recaps are not necessary anymore. Especially because I'm already this late in Rebound (I have lost my interest in it I'm sorry).
I'll recap them on my spare time but I'm sure by the time I'm recapping them it's not going to be necessary anymore. If you would like me to recap some thing you can tell me. As long as it's under the Japanese, Mandarin or Cantonese categories because I'm sure that Korean stuff are much more recapped than these. I can recap movies or drama series if they're fun to watch. I've recently watched My black mini dress or something like that. And yes it's Korean. I can recap that if no one has done it yet.
On the good side Clone baby can now be downloaded at
Today's Special: Love Keeps Going EP 01 Recap

This is a test trial. I'm not sure whether I'd be disappointed by this one or not so I don't promise on recapping all. I should've said this for Rebound as well... Cause I'm sorta loosing interest for that as well. Let's start with a brief introduction as to what this drama is about.
This story (from what I see in the OP & END, Preview for the next episode) is about 4 main people. One named Mei Le who is the main girl. The other is Han Yi Lei which is Han Yi Feng's younger brother. Xiao Jun which is probably Han Yi Lei's ex girlfriend and Guo Xuan Xuan - who has not appeared yet. To clearify who is who and for future reference:

- So the guy in blue at the top is Han Yi Feng, whom I will shorten to YF.
- The guy dressed tidy to the right of that other guy is Han Yi Lei which will become YL.
- The first girl to the left is Xiao Jun which will become XJ.
- The middle girl is Guo Xuan Xuan Which will become XX.
- And finally Main girl Zha Mei Le will become ML.
So it should be a bit clearer. Now if I ever blog a recap about them you should know to come here for name references! So let's START! :) The first episode starts with ML going to work. We see her arriving to the office all prepared. She first sees the girl at the front desk and hands her the English homework that girl asked ML to do for her. Then she goes to the people in the
Jun 24, 2011
Today's Special: I'm BACK & I'm sorry
I'm sorry that I haven't been blogging and this one will be short as well because I still haven't got the mood to say a lot. So let's start with what you missed. But I'm sure you don't need any update on Korean stuff when there's Allkpop available. So today's post is about me! :O
First of all I haven't been online and blogging lately because my internet. Here where I am there is a plan you need to follow. And from a certain day to another certain day if your internet usage is used up then BAM you don't get no more internet unless you pay another 2$ per 1GB. But trust me. 1 GB goes by REAL quick in my house. Another reason would be my exams.
Yes I am in exam week. Meaning the entire week I have to study for an exam. But not to worry! Yesterday was both my exams (I only have 2). and I'm done. I had a Math exam and a French APS exam. I have to wait until Tuesday next week to pick up my report cards and know my exam marks. Hope I did well!
Next! During these few weeks my dad found bunnies outside our house (on our drive way). It seems that the mom had left her children which were planted under our trees. My dad was working outside and found them. Here's a picture:
Jun 10, 2011
Today's Special: Yesterday's News!
Today was my math test and I finished it! But it was horrible, I think I got a bad mark. :S but still sorta relaxed now that I don't have much left to do. All I have is a few more APS classes, Drama protfolio due Monday, Drama performance of Salome and Drama Mosaic to attend. Speaking about drama here's a few pictures of my friend Katrina (her Blog: ) trying on clothes to fit her Modernized character of Salome.
You can tell me your opinion as well. ALSO! the picture above is my friend Lillian and I. We took this picture in our school bathroom. I was never able to talk about her in my previous blog posts so we personally took a picture together to introduce her! (:
If you're wondering how Katrina is that skinny you can check out
Jun 9, 2011
Today's Special: Live Performances & Drama Teaser!
Sorry today I won't tell you anything about myself because I have a math test tomorrow so I have to learn everything before ever having to talk about myself. I checked out a few videos before I'm gonna start working and they're all my favs. So here they are and ENJOY! :) There's going to be like what my title says:
- Alex (Clazziquai) - Can't be Crazy
- Secret - Starlight Moonlight
- Kim Hyun joong - Both <Please> & <Break Down>
- Sunny Hill - Midnight Circus
- You've fallen for me (Drama) Teaser
Hope you enjoy!
Loved him in Clazziquai and still love him! He was also really pleasant to watch on WGM if you want to know more about him you can check out WGM - Season 1!
I posted their MV a few days ago I Believe. Really cute. Always loved them! Wasn't really into the song before but now, All over it! :)
Jun 8, 2011
Today's Special: Skip Beat trailer revealed & Yearbook!
I didn't think I'd blog today because I had nothing much to say nor any pictures. But here's my day: I went to school by bus (like every day). At school in the morning I just sat at the library. At lunch I was with my parents instead of at school for a meeting. Afterwards I came back and got my yearbook and went to Math class. Oh nvm I have pictures of my year book! ;D
This year's theme is Individuality! Chu chu made the cover! (: And I look chubby in my picture... D; Should've went on a diet before the picture. The people all around me look beautiful! I'm gonna work out before my next year's picture! (: After that I went to the library to work on my APS. well more like practice my APS presentation that went really well. We didn't go over time or under time so we good! (:
Now finally Today Skip Beat's trailer was revealed!
Here's their advert picture:
And Yes, Lee Donghae and Choi Si Won from Super Junior is in it! At first the female lead was suppose to be Ariel Lin (whom I REALLY love). But they changed it to Ivy Chen. So a slight disappointment. I wasn't going to watch it but the trailer is promising. Here it is:
Jun 7, 2011
Today's Special: Midnight Circus
I don't have anything to say today cause nothing happened at all. My friends who took gym class ended up going to the beach. I worked on Salome and did volunteer hours. Around 1 hour and a half or 2 I dunno. But yeah that's all. It was all the graduation hassle. Next year, people will be doing this for me! :) We had to pick the leaves off the roses, Move the tables and chairs. Set up the cake and drinks all that blah blah stuff. but yeah It was fun watching people hurrying to the table to drink and eat and sign yearbooks. Tomorrow I'll be getting mines! I'll take a picture of my picture! ;) Now highlight of the day:
Midnight Circus Dance video version! Now you can learn the dance and sing with them! :) Have funn!
Midnight Circus Dance video version! Now you can learn the dance and sing with them! :) Have funn!
& Have a great day! :)
Jun 6, 2011
Today's Special: Fishies, Oh fishies! [& KIM HYUN JOONG'S - BREAK DOWN!]
[UPDATED - with Kim Hyun Joong's New MV! Scroll to the bottom LOL!] I was prepared to wear shorts and such today but in the end I didn't. I didn't get to take a picture of what I wore today but it's similar to what I planned to wear last night which is this:
It looks okay. But I realized I needed to fix the zipper and loose some weight before wearing it. LOL! I also didn't know whether it looks better up or down. And my hair is wavy because I had my hair tied up before I took the picture. Like my bathroom? ;D
Btw, I had to bring in all my fishes from the pond because there was too much mud in it so a few fishes died. Grr. D: But I'm cleaning it now so I hope it's going to be better in a few days. On the other hand. My school has had an incident recently. There's an infection going around. So we have to be careful. Tomorrow the students are going to get tested. Well not all, only the
Jun 5, 2011
Today's Special: Outdoor Fishing & Boyfriend!
Heyys! Today is a warm day! I have gold fishes in my house and since it's warm out now I can put them outside. And no, I'm not just gonna leave them to burn in the sun! LOL! I have a pond! (: Here's pictures of it:
and here's pictures of a toad that's stuck in my pond and my doggy Tiger. We didn't let him onto our side since my backyard is L shaped he was at the bottom of the L and I was at the long side of the L.
He's such a cutieee! I think we basically put in like 20 fishes into the pond and there are still 19 in the fish tank in my house. Oh and I got new headphones as you can see in the first picture. They're GREEN! don't they remind you of caretaker's headphones they use when they are cleaning the floor at school? Heehee ;). here are more pictures of me and Ellen during our time outside: