Mar 20, 2011

Today's Special: Michelle's Birthday Party!

Beautiful Bowling Shoes! :)
      Although this happened yesterday... I'm blogging about it today. I arrived late at home and my parents are finally back from their trip to China. I was soo happy that I forgot about everything and just went to watch a movie with them. :) So I'm gonna start talking about yesterday. I took tons of photos as well so it's gonna be filled.. :D
      First my day started off with waking up at 9:00 cause I had to shower. After waking up I spent some time watching the variety show We Got Married Season 1. It's a Korean variety show. Which talks about 2 celebrities on a fake marriage. Very fun to watch. My favourite couples would be the Andy & Solbi, Crown J & InYoung, JungHyungDon & Taeyeon, HwanHee & HwaYobi, Jun Jin & LeeSiYoung and Hwang Bo & Hyung Joong Couples. But those are from the first season. The second season I like the JoKwon & GaIn, ParkJaeJung & Uee, and JungYongHwa & Seohyun. Most FAVS are in Green :). After that I went downstairs to eat lunch before getting picked up by Leanne and going to Michelle's house. Her birthday is actually today. 
The pond close to Michelle's house
When we arrived at Michelle's house Leanne went to straighten her hair while we looked for the bus times. We walked for like 10 minutes and when we arrived we were afraid that we had missed the bus. And Michelle forgot her wallet at a coffee shop. We went back and thank god it was still there. As you know I'm someone that doesn't go out much. Cause if I did I'd have much more to say. I also have motion sickness so i took pictures of the bus ride :P
Michelle & Leanne
 But since my pictures aren't that pretty. Here's a picture of
Leanne and Michelle. Michelle's the one with a yellow backpack and Leanne's the one with a leather jacket. We took the bus to Pmall and Market village. (which is at the same place just a short walk distance from each other. I don't really like crowded places but Leanne loves Pmall so we went. Laura couldn't come with us to the mall because she had piano lessons. We met up with Michelle's boyfriend Felix and his friend Charles (I think it was Charles). 
Egg Bubble wrap / Small Fried eggs - I call it
Upon arriving we didn't do much. I bought the egg pops. It's like Egg batter poured onto a hot platter with holes in them and compressed against another steel hot platter which makes like a bubble wrap looking egg food! :) Looks something like the picture above. At the mall Leanne really wanted to take a picture with 2 security guards but in the end we could only get one to take a picture with us. We also went to a pet shop. I was completely fascinated by the fish although I've already seen them before. I myself love stingrays & weird fishies. I wanted to take pictures of all of them but pictures were not allowed to be taken instead I only got 2. Sneak shots! ;D
The picture of Michelle's Yellow bag has its reasons. It was because Leanne wanted to show us being unifed and creating a stance. yet we did not know what stance we were going for. So we created a straight line. One behind another. Where as the signs. It was because I never saw a no parking sign in Chinese. I was amazed. And here it is, now you can see it too! :) Like the stingrays? :) After a while we got a call from Laura saying that she finished her lesson and now she could rejoin us and go to bowling. We walked there by the way! and I met the cutest dog ever. Although it was barking at me and looked like it wanted to kill us. It was adorable! I believe the breed was German Shepard and he had an ear up and an ear down so he was ADORABLE!
I'm going to warn you now that there are going to be a lot of photos from here onwards. At Bowling at least 10 - 14 lanes were already taken up by a league so we had to bowl the baby aisle. and of course, that's a benefit for me :). Here are some pictures:
As you can see the pins are TINY. But adorable non the less. And the bowling balls can fit in my hand and may I say, my hands aren't big at all. They're pretty small.
Leanne & Laura
Then the series of photos you see blow are when these little kids randomly picked up our bowling balls and rolled it down our lane. As someone who wants to be a kindergarten teacher I should've handled this situation very calmly but all that I had in my head was my score, the party and our lane. I swear I need to live in some calm area to have a kindergarten I'd probably be a distracted person. If I want to teach I'd need to have a lot of motivation.

They were just 3 little kids that wanted to bowl. I guess right then I realized that I'm gonna have to LOVE kids. ALOT. and keep myself very alive and active to keep up with kids. I want to teach like babies. They don't talk a lot. :)
Above is a picture of the score we had after the kids bowled for us once. And our first game. I'm Pylon by the way. I was going to win but then those kids must have had really good luck or aim and got everyone else good points too. Arggs. So I demanded a second game. and I was super determined. So determined. I won 8)
Yay! And you might ask why Pylon. It's cause, I saw a kid the size of a pylon and walked like a penguin before we came here. And also because this guy was speaking into his speaker in his car. He was wondering why there was a pylon in the middle of the road. After he had made that statement I also asked myself why :P.
We then went to Chako's after my victory and had Korean BBQ. I love BBQ and now that it's Korean I'll love it even more. :)  Here are pictures:
Yum, Short Ribs?

And so that's all really. The blurred up photo is Chako's from afar. That's all about yesterday. *Photos are not in orderrr! That's all for today! :)
Have a great day! :)


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