Jan 31, 2011

Today's Special: Trim

I'm sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I went to the mall and came home late so I didn't want to blog. Also I didn't watch Love buffet episode 07 yet so I can't recap about it yet. Yesterday I bought 2 strip shirts and 3 necklaces. I would take pictures of them but I don't feel like it right now instead I can show you one of the shirts and one necklace. 
The other shirt is exactly like this one but red stripes. the other necklaces is hearts and a bird cage. All are long necklaces which I love so much.  I also cut my hair so that I can actually see now. I thinned my hair and cut my bangs. I was originally gonna cut it short all the way to my shoulder

Jan 29, 2011

Extended Special: Love Buffet EP 06 Recap!

      Finally Done watching but this Post will be only about Love Buffet. I'll keep updating on last post since that's really "Today's Special". So once again! If you haven't been one of the people who keep track of my Love Buffet entries here are some entries:
      Going to previous entries will allow you to know the Nicknames I give the characters. I realized I've made the MOST Screencaps in this Episode. On Episode 04 I probably did around 20 something? But for this Episode I did around 42 Screen caps. and because I was afraid that Flash would crash so I had to screencap while watching. So I will no begin the recap! (You can click the pictures to enlarge them if your mouse has a hand sign)

This episode starts off from where it ended off last time. Because of the hay rolling she trips and sprains her ankle.

Today's Special: Websites!

[3:10] - Right now I have just started to watch Love buffet but it usually takes me around some time for me to recap, post pictures (screen cap them) and give a good review so today's entry will be choppy and the updates will be constant that is why there is the time indicated at the beginning of this entry. It will tell you when I started typing it and the next time will tell you when I started that part of this entry. Right now I will be talking about fascinating website since Love buffet is still loading:

Today's Special: Exam Review day

'Cause there's a side to you that I never knew, never knew,
All the things you'd say, they were never true, never true,
And the games you's play, you would always win, always win, 

      Today was Exam review day. and what does that mean? Means we get out exams back and we get to know our marks :S... But it also means that we only have half a day. So we get to go home early. Today, I went to school at 8 something. And class started at 9:05. So I was hanging out with my friends in the stairwell. My first class was World History

Jan 27, 2011

Today's Special: Exams are overrr + Love Buffet EP 05 Recap!

      Yes! Exams are over like my Entry title says. Today I finished my Law exam! Hooray! :) I'm super relaxed noww. So Like I promised I'd recap Love Buffet. And if you don't know what love buffet is here are previous Entries on Love buffet:
      I don't remember if I've talked about Love buffet in any other of my entries so I'll only link those 3. That means Today's gonna be a recap on Episode 05! And like my previous recaps *Pictures included! But I realized that screencapping takes a lot of time so there are less pictures than last time. Before I begin, if you're not interested you can just scroll all the way until the very end of this entry for other stuff! :)

Jan 26, 2011

Today's Special: Three down, One more to go!

      Hardy har har! Almost done my exams! Just one more to go (Law). YAY! :) which reminds me, I just got back my first law project back. We had to make a project on a job that requires law so we did criminologist (Criminologue - in french) and here's pictures of it! :)
As you can tell it's a big book. We tried to make it look like an encyclopedia. I did this project with my friend Cheryl! :) The red strip is a book mark And

Jan 25, 2011

Today's Special: Two Down, Two more to go!

Haha - I said I wouldn't possibly blog today but in the end I am blogging :P 
Today's equation: [World History Exam] + [Spanish Oral Exam] - [Stress] + [24/24 on Oral] + [Good music] - [Unhappy people + Stressed people] + Tofu = Happy day! :)
Negative: I have a French Exam tomorrow and on Thursday I have a Law Exam. Arggs, I haven't been able to understand all the grammar for French and I still don't. I can't find my law notes and both subjects are my worst marks.  

Jan 24, 2011

Today's Special: One down, Three more to go!

      If you've been keeping track with my previous blogs you'd know this week is exam week. Today I finished my first exam which was Spanish exam. Tomorrow I have my History exam and my Spanish oral exam. Wish me luck! :)
      I'm sorry but today I don't really have any good news. I haven't been watching anything new nor have I been able to keep myself up to date. I can tell you what I HAVE been doing though... My dad got this new camera so I've been going through all the cool things his camera can do. It has fisheye lense and this thing that makes pictures look older as you twist the front of the camera. Another cool thing I've been playing with is the fact that I am actually knitting a heart on a scarf. It's taking me forever though. I'll take a picture of it right now :P
So that's how it is right now. but I'm not done. Can you sorta see the heart? :S cause I worked really hard on it! :) I knit while I study, watch TV /dramas and listen to music. This is actually my knitting while studying progress. Kinda okay right? :)

Jan 22, 2011

Today's Special: A tropical Getaway

So the exams are pulling in. I have one exam each day. This time I gotta work real hard to pull up my marks for at least a bit more. Here's my exam list:
  • Spanish (1st)
  • World History (1st)
  • French (2nd)
  • Canadian Law (1st)
It's gonna be so hard waking up at 7:30 to get to school at 8:00 to study half an hour before the exams... I've also done pretty much no studying today except for this morning on world history. Ugh this is gonna suck. I'm gonna have to try harder tomorrow. I wanna get better marks. I didn't know becoming a kindergarten

Jan 21, 2011

Today's Special: When I look back...

      I was looking at pictures just now because I wanted a break from all this studying. I studied really hard. I have notes for World History and Spanish already all I have left to do is do my practice test for French grammar and Study my large pack of Law. Args. SO yeah, I was looking into the past and I got to say. I still like and don't like the people I used to like. Is that confusing? :S like, I don't like them as they are now. I like what they were before. It's like how I don't like haircuts on guys I like.

Jan 17, 2011

Today's Special: I'm sorry...

      I'm sorry... I couldn't blog lately because I'm working. Not working working. Like I'm working on homework... And UGHS it's just so stressful lately. On Saturday and Sunday I was basically working on my law homework. and now the video for law won't even open so now I have to redo EVERYTHING. which is pissing me off. I have to connect all video again to make a 27 minute and 31 second video. You know how long it takes? LONG! Like I'm going to cry because I've stayed up late until 4:00 AM just to finish it and it doesn't work anymore and in fact I now have to re do everything. And I didn't get to watch Love buffet which means that I didn't get to write a recap. Which I love doing

Jan 14, 2011

Today's Special: Supa Luv

      I didn't blog yesterday, and I'm sorry LOL! but I have amazing news today! well the bad and the good. First, I didn't get to do my french presentation that I worked really hard on. secondly, I still have my History and Law project to finish while I gotta practice for my composition. And remember how I told you we have exam week here? Well we're screwed! :). I'll add my law video and add project pictures of tomorrow on... tomorrow LOL! but yeah, still have to study for my Mandarin mid term test. Args. Life sucks eh? But we put up to it cause if we didn't we'd all be dead! :) 
      So what's this amazing news I

Jan 12, 2011

Today's Special: Laura's amazing discovery

      So why is today dedicated to Laura? Well like the title, She make an AMAZING discovery. Not only is is AMAZING I just have to tell somebody (hoping that somebody actually does read my blog entries). I've told you before that I am very superstitious. I may even say I'm gullible because I believe almost everything anybody says to me (if it takes part in my life). I've also come to learn not to at some point in my high school years

Jan 11, 2011

Today's Special: If Tired could be an excuse...

Today's Tuesday. 
Tuesday of the second week of January. 
January the last month of Semester one. 
Semester one the beginning of a Grade. Grade a word used in school. 
School = Knowledge. 
Knowledge = Power.

I just found out I hate power. After finding out that Power has to do with Knowledge which is taught to you in a school which is rightfully yours to take by law. It is at least the 5th day that I've officially started to learn properly. And now that I do I get a load of shit. I guess this is my punishment for not being able to focus. Sometimes I get this urge and power to work hard when I see people not work at all. I dunno what it is. Maybe when I see people not working hard and seeing their consequence I don't want to be the same.

Jan 10, 2011

Today's Special: I'm super Busy

      You know what I hate most about the last month of the semester? It's that you get tons of work at the last minute that is worth a ton of shit points in your entire report card. And if you don't have this you are super lucky. I am so tired of all this work! In French I have to write a debate that's due on Thursday (presentation that day) and it has to be 5 - 10 minutes. Then In history I have a presentation that's around 20 / 30 minutes on Monday of next week. I have a law video I still have to film that's due on Monday of next week. Only work I don't have a project on is Spanish but we all know that I'm going to be at least getting a lot of homework from that. My teacher was so stressed today it was so hard to concentrate at some point. You just want to stand up and tell her that

Jan 9, 2011

Today's Special: Love Buffet EP 04 Recap

Kay I know I said I would recap My princess. And I didn't yesterday but the thing is today Love Buffet just came out and I TOTALLY have to recap this first. But if you HAVE to read a recap Here's a link of Dramabeans recapping My Princess' First episode: My Princess: Episode 01 Recap and I assure you this person is the best recapper ever! But now I'll be talking about Love buffet! I hate how it's always only one episode per week. And it always has to be Sunday. It's like the last day of the week! Args! So here we go (I've made the most printscreens this time): 
This episode starts with what was left off from last episode (Click on last episode to comprehend each actor's name in the drama) where both DY & XF were at the ocean side and talking to each other because DY had rejected CE. On their way back home DY wanted to be a gentlemen and take her bag but then all her things fall out and he sees this notebook with a picture sticking out. The picture is of someone in his

Jan 7, 2011

Today's Special: We are Daiting Episode 04 (2/3) - Recap!

      Today is going to be a recap day! :P I stayed after school today for a project but in the end we didn't get anything (filming) done. Oh and before I talk about anything else today's song of the day is Can U Smile By INFINITE:
So I'm back and I start watching these dramas / Variety shows. One I would like to talk about is We are Dating - sub show for We got married. In that show I actually only watch these 2 couples. One is the Fun couple of Alexander and Minah. The second one is Eli and Jihae. I like this couple because they are unexpected were as the 'loving couple' is too... expected. A guy everyone wants to date and a girl that everyone loves. It's just :S too.. typical. The point of watching a variety show is to show off new ideas I guess. The only couple that feels real would be the awkward couple (Eli and Jihae). Even the couple I love the most Alexander and Minah are wonderful they also feel as setup as the 'loving couple'. 
      In today's episode The Fun couple went to a university and tried to be C.Cs. Which means Campus couple. They were very unexpected trying all different types of things a normal university couple would do. At first they arrived and sat on this bench swing and observed the University on that roof top. Even though it was freezing to death. And then Minah

Jan 6, 2011

Today's Special: Course Selections

I'm so screwed... 
  1. Tomorrow I have to wake up early to go to school 
  2. Going to school early to attend an assembly about course selections...
  3. Course selections = need to plan future
  4. Planning future = looking for a university / College
  5. Don't know my future
  6. Never thought about my future
  7. I can't even deal with my present I need to deal with my future now...
I am so screwed... It's like My friend Laura said today: "When I was a kid people told me not to worry because I had many years before I ever had to think about it. Now that I have to think about it I don't have enough time." I'm so freaking worried. Laura was so worried... she kept asking people how they know what course they wanted to pick or what they wanted to be in the future. Seeing her worried also makes me worried. I use to plan about my future a lot. But I didn't plan in DETAIL.

Jan 5, 2011

Today's Special: Midnight sun

      Today I felt even more tired than I was yesterday. To begin with today I watched the movie Accepted and I felt even worse that I did about school. The movie accepted is basically getting accepted to College and being a student that the society accepts. I'm so nervous watching that I felt like I was being rejected by university and colleges too. I'm at the point were I should be preparing for these types of things right... I'm so un-planned. I feel lost and like I have no place to go to. Everything's so mixed up lately. I only like the fact that I smell like Bubble gum. (there's this body cream that makes me smell like bubble gum so I'm happy). 
      Today in History class we were watching the Gladiator and god was I confused. I felt like his life sucked. Now that I think about it everything can really suck if you put yourself in their place. I'm pretty lucky as a human of this age. I'm just so tired lately I can't bring myself to laugh and like things like I use to. I've been having a trend though lately. So you know how I got a hair cut? Well I got bangs right? So one day they are done the next they are pinned back. and so on. I should take a picture of my entire week sometime and post it. Then you'd see my entire week based on the hair trend. I'll even make different kinds of hair styles. Today's song of the day is Midnight Sun by F.Cuz (korean Band)

It's a pretty good song, I like it. When I listen to it kinda brings me back I think it's the beat of the song. The exams are drawing closer and I'm pretty nervous about my law and French. My history I know my stuff since my teacher taught us very neatly. For spanish I just have to practice my tenses. For French though I need to get into the grammar and spelling checking habit and re read most of my books. As for Law... it's always been hard having an exam based on the entire complicated unit I did is even harder... :S Next semester's going to be hard to deal with too... I should book an appointment with guidance to check up on that drama credit I don't want. I hope it's not too late. I'm just gonna end today off like this. hope something exciting or happy comes up tomorrow. 
Have a good day! :)

Jan 4, 2011

Today's Special: Nothing really special...

      I haven't got much to say today to tell the truth... Today I woke up feeling tired and went to school wearing my awesome sweater in which I love very much. It's red white and black and it has this sorta like oven mitten pattern since Laura said it looked like one. At school I was studying law with Stefan before going to class. 
      My first class is World History. Fun! :) We were watching Deadliest warrior the Gladiator VS Apache. I thought the Gladiators were going to win but in the end the Apaches did. We also finished Troy the movie and it was very good. But I got to say, It would of been better if he had not died in the end. Then I had Spanish class. In spanish class we were talking about the In direct and direct pronouns I think and we were talking about that guy from the movie Romeo and Julliet and babies since My teacher had a story about this brilliant baby she knows. In Law class we did this quiz. I hope it I get a good mark in it... Then in French we were going to present our presentation on Meursault but in the end we didn't. Tomorrow I gotta bring my Professional clothes to pretend to be a lawyer... I REALLY hope I get a good mark cause I want to get a better mark in French class... Well Today i don't feel in the mood to blog. So yeah I'll probably blog tomorrow. But when the exams get close I'm not going to be able to blog everyday... :S 
Have a good day! :)

Jan 2, 2011

Today's Special: Love Buffet Episode 03!

      Nothing happened today except for the fact that I had a party last night and my friend Eunice slept over. But I'm still pretty tired due to the fact that she kept waking me up when I tried to go to sleep LOL! So today I'm going to talk about Love Buffet again but about episode 03. I'm probably going to do an episode recap every time now... and if you don't know what I'm talking about yet! you should read about my drama recommendation because today's recap is about a drama I recommended. You will have to read my old entry: Today's Special: Sorry not hair cut Part 2 I've already linked you right there. So you can read that first before getting to read this one! :)
      I'm really just watching this because Aaron Yan is in it! The two pictures at the very top. One is when the main girl was on a bike with the 2nd main guy. That's a scene I thought i  should just print screen so I did. But I liked the scene where she was talking with the Aaron the most so I print screened that scene too it's the second picture! Watch the show and you'll understand why I liked it! :P But I must confess the beginning of this episode was really boring so I skipped it but to start with I'll post who is who. (again). 

      So the first picture starting from the left is the main girl. It's annoying writing recaps with them knowing that they don't have English names. She's XF (Xiao Feng). The second picture is AY (Ah-yi). The girl beside that picture is CE (Chiao-en) and the last guy is DY (Da-Ya). The girl in the middle has no major role just in this episode she takes a larger role than in previous episodes. For more information about each person you can go here: Love Buffet @ Wiki.d-addicts The two main guys are singers in real life but I don't know about the females. I only know that these guys also sing the opening song which I love so much. :) 

XF's First date outfit
      In this episode It starts off with XF at school in the tennis court and finally able to hit the tennis ball. Then DY (the guy she likes) comes over and asks her whether she bought her tennis shoes yet. She answers that she hasn't then she has a brilliant idea which to go buy these tennis shoes with him (as a date). But he says he doesn't know much about girl shoes so he asks CE to also go with them. And if you saw the previous episode you know that CE also likes DY. So of course she'd want to go. Because XF thinks of this as a date she asks her friends what to wear. And they respond with all these most fashionable things they can think of. and so XF ends up with this. Like that wasn't enough. CE comes with the most simpliest clothes ever. A tank top a green skirt and a light scarf around.
      And since CE wants to show that she's an intellectual person she brings them to a creative  artistic show. And when the show starts XF has to go to the bathroom. She sees a stall at the end of the show and believes it's a bathroom. She goes and half way through the show DY comes to know that there's going to an explosive show of a bathroom at the end of the room. He then remembers that XF said she needed to go to the bathroom. He realizes that something's wrong. He and CE runs towards the bathroom trying to stop it from exploding. As the as the light up string reaches closer to the bathroom everyone's shocked and the light dies out as XF flushes the toilet.
The Audience is shocked
Everyone's waiting for that one person to come out of the bathroom and when she does everyone's just staring at her with amazement. In the end though she ends up having a clap dedicated to her for having such an exciting show. XF is completely embarrassed, DY and CE tell her it's okay and that they'd go buy her tennis shoes now so she'll forget what just happened. But clumsy as she is. she can be worse. Remember how she tried to look fashionable for her first date? Well she was wearing these lace boots. Meaning it takes a long time to put on... and take off. Resulting into taking a lot of effort to take off just to try on the tennis shoes. While she was at the store she had to have a lot of people help her put on the shoes. :S
XF gets congratulated
      So while they were walking back to her house DY tells her that he'll cook lunch just for her so that she'll feel better and of course since she likes him she's absolutely happy that he's cooking. But when she returns she sees CE's Hand on DY's face. So she runs out saying she doesn't want to bother them. In the meantime AY was on his way back home and he sees XF crying close to this tree. She tells him not to go home yet because it'll bother his brother DY and CE. but later on that night they go back and she's still there. She was in fact just taking a tissue piece off his face (which she actually already had on her hand as she was reaching for him). So they have dinner together. But she insults XF in a nice manner while eating dinner that AY cannot take it anymore and gives CE a harsh treatment saying that it is his house and she's not the mistress there so she doesn't need to help him in any way. The very next day. XF wanted to go talk to CE and when she sees this guy confess to her she can't stop but watch what CE would do. After the guy leaves (and CE gives him this nice rejection as in - we may not have a relationship in that way but we can still be friends *very beautiful smile) she talks out loud and says that he's not up to it and that he first has to be as good as her. XF is shocked to learn that CE is a double faced type of person.
Xiao Feng sees CE & DY
      But half-way through CE realizes that DY may not really be interested in her as much as she thought her tactics would work. She tried making breakfast for him (lots of varieties of food) where as XF only had bread and he still took it. Then at Tennis she twisted her ankle and got him to bike her home. But when people said they were a couple as a rumor. He did not deny or admit it he just said that rumors were rumors as long as their not true it's okay. She was so sad that she wanted to confess to him. She tells XF to go with her. When she confesses his first answer was: I like you too. But he still rejected her in the end. As she walks away you realize that she really did hurt her leg and did not lie to get him to bike her home. Then the next scene is basically DY calls XF and asks her to go to the sea with him tomorrow alone and she agrees. There he asks if he could borrow XF's shoulder and the episode ends.

Comment: I know we're suppose to hate CE because we grow to like the main girl but I dunno I pity her. She has a unique love. She once said that if DY liked her as a weak girl she'd be that weak girl forever just for him.  And I really recapped it badly so you should watch it yourself for more information. The episode in 5 parts only And you can watch it here: Love Buffet @ Sugoideas I bet you'll enjoy it! Can't wait until the next episode cause then there's more Aaron in it! And This week it was the new years so The Fierce wife wasn't out. I wanted to watch it so badly. I want to watch the part where she divorces with her husband. It's so hard watching her husband and her cousin cheat on her... :S Well, Tomorrow school starts again... D; Hope that I really only did have that much homework! Today's music is the OST of Love Buffet!

I'll post the other one next time! :P
Have a good day! :)