I didn't think I'd blog today because I had nothing much to say nor any pictures. But here's my day: I went to school by bus (like every day). At school in the morning I just sat at the library. At lunch I was with my parents instead of at school for a meeting. Afterwards I came back and got my yearbook and went to Math class. Oh nvm I have pictures of my year book! ;D
This year's theme is Individuality! Chu chu made the cover! (: And I look chubby in my picture... D; Should've went on a diet before the picture. The people all around me look beautiful! I'm gonna work out before my next year's picture! (: After that I went to the library to work on my APS. well more like practice my APS presentation that went really well. We didn't go over time or under time so we good! (:
Now finally Today Skip Beat's trailer was revealed!
Here's their advert picture:

And Yes, Lee Donghae and Choi Si Won from Super Junior is in it! At first the female lead was suppose to be Ariel Lin (whom I REALLY love). But they changed it to Ivy Chen. So a slight disappointment. I wasn't going to watch it but the trailer is promising. Here it is:
If wanted I can write recaps on it because it seems interesting. I just hope I don't get disappointed half way like Love buffet. I still haven't finished that drama. Just never got myself to it. I would've finished it if Gui gui was lead. But Even with Aaron being one of the actors in it, I wasn't that attracted to it. This better not disappoint me because once again one of my fav Actresses has been taken off. And it is another remake of a manga. For storyline before hand you can try reading the manga or visit Drama wiki: HERE From the Trailer you can tell that they aren't going to stick to one language only but because I can read Chinese I won't be needing to wait for the subs! YESH 8)
For more today, My friend is participating in a contest. To help me, to help her, you can watch this MV she created for the song lonely by 2NE1! Although I do not like this song, I can see she put a lot of effort into the video. And her effort will not be wasted if you watch it! (:
And yeah, that's all for today! :) I actually don't know if viewing it will help or It's 2NE1 who picks the winners but still. YAY! More videos to view! :) You can view for fun. View to see your other competitors, or yeah. JUST VIEW! (:
If wanted I can write recaps on it because it seems interesting. I just hope I don't get disappointed half way like Love buffet. I still haven't finished that drama. Just never got myself to it. I would've finished it if Gui gui was lead. But Even with Aaron being one of the actors in it, I wasn't that attracted to it. This better not disappoint me because once again one of my fav Actresses has been taken off. And it is another remake of a manga. For storyline before hand you can try reading the manga or visit Drama wiki: HERE From the Trailer you can tell that they aren't going to stick to one language only but because I can read Chinese I won't be needing to wait for the subs! YESH 8)
For more today, My friend is participating in a contest. To help me, to help her, you can watch this MV she created for the song lonely by 2NE1! Although I do not like this song, I can see she put a lot of effort into the video. And her effort will not be wasted if you watch it! (:
And yeah, that's all for today! :) I actually don't know if viewing it will help or It's 2NE1 who picks the winners but still. YAY! More videos to view! :) You can view for fun. View to see your other competitors, or yeah. JUST VIEW! (:
Have a great day! :)
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