I know I haven't been recapping lately. and I just released the recap for Love keeps going EP 01 which is super late because episode 04 is coming out soon. Therefore I believe my recaps are not necessary anymore. Especially because I'm already this late in Rebound (I have lost my interest in it I'm sorry).
I'll recap them on my spare time but I'm sure by the time I'm recapping them it's not going to be necessary anymore. If you would like me to recap some thing you can tell me. As long as it's under the Japanese, Mandarin or Cantonese categories because I'm sure that Korean stuff are much more recapped than these. I can recap movies or drama series if they're fun to watch. I've recently watched My black mini dress or something like that. And yes it's Korean. I can recap that if no one has done it yet.
On the good side Clone baby can now be downloaded at Sd-ad.net! YESH! I love clone baby! I made a small review from excitement before you can read it [here]. But I might possibly make another one or even episode recaps instead. Because I love it so much! Oh and talking about good stuff if you're a manga reader I suggest the manga: Hanatsukihime.

It's a complete manga so that's one good thing. I really hate it when I finish all the available scans and I have to wait until the next chapter is published. It's Shojo (Yes I'm a little girl deep inside) and, it has a good looking devil. Who doesn't like a good looking devil? It's basically a beautiful novel with fantastic drawings. Just a tad bit sad about the ending. It's logical but I thought of something more tragic when I was reading it half way through. You'll enjoy it I'm sure!
Once again I'm sorry. I didn't complete recapping Love buffet, Rebound or Love keeps going. I should just stick recapping movies and short dramas... Hope I won't loose interest in Skip beat when it's out! I would love recapping that. But Love keeps going isn't bad Just I'm late and I can't catch up as fast as you would watch it.

Have a great day and here's another Sorry picture D:
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