I'm sorry... I didn't take a picture. My hair's really messy after I woke up. I still need to get use to sleeping with this hair and waking up not with bed head because my hair straighter takes forever to heat up so I can't fix it... So, I'll only take a picture when it's okay. If I take it now you won't see the difference between my old hair and my hair now since I've clipped it up since it's become like a whale tail at the front of my head...
But I have something ultra amazing to talk about today! I wanna tell you about the drama "Love buffet / 愛似百匯" I have been waiting years for this. In 2008 they said there was this drama which was an adaption of Parfait Tic. They also said it was to broadcast in 2009 April. So I wait. This drama like changed the lead person so many times. And finally it's out! :D I gotta say, sometimes I hate when the casting changes. Since they changed the girl, they might as well change it to someone that would suit this story line for example guigui. She's cute and seems a lot like the main of this drama. Like guigui was suppose to be the lead of Momo love. but nooooo! they had to change it to cyndi wang. Cyndi's not that cute. she's a bit too old for that role aint she? I'm having problems posting photos so in the end I used the HTML format which seems to not let me link photos. so the photos... are just photos. So the large one on the right is the casting of today for love buffet. The first one on the bottom starting from the left is the previous casting. If this let me link photos you would be able to see the larger version of the picture. The one next to it is the manga cover of the adaption they are doing. If you want you could read it here. The series didn't end yet on that website but I recall that this manga finished long ago so I'm not sure. I don't really remember who she goes with in the end either so don't ask me! Then I was complaining about momo love casting too so I put their pictures here too. the one beside the manga cover was the original casting the the one beside that one is the second casting which they ended up with. I gotta say, in both castings for love buffet, even though the main girl changed they didn't change much. One just looks younger than the other. But for Momo love. I swear I wasn't the only one who was complaining. They should've kept the roles or at least put guigui in this casting... like they looked completely different. one was actually cute and the other was... old. (Edited: Kay well the picture on the side is gone now because it was "hot linked" - I don't even know what that really means... I guess I can't link pictures, I'm Sorry I didn't own the picture? I just wanted to show a picture... I wasn't going to claim it was mine)

So I'm going to talk about Love buffet not momo love since I gave up on watching that long ago after knowing the casting changed. I only watched like 5 episodes and skimmed the rest since the main girl lead was just... like she's good at acting like she knows nothing. I don't know if I just insulted her or not. but yeah she knows how to act like she doesn't know anything but she just knows how to act cute. I gotta say, sometimes she actually is cute (maybe because of the dog's also there). but sometimes it's like this drama just feels to... stupid how could a guy and this girl be so kindergarten like? But yeah love buffet. So here's my episode summary:
The episode starts with this little girl drawing this picture on the floor. She says something about wanting to live with the person she loves forever and ever. and she hides it. Then you see the next scene were this guy hides his (baseball cards?) between these shelves just like the little girl hiding her picture in the wall and because of this scene I think she's ending up with Da-yi. Which is one of the main leads. then you see the camera go onto Da-ya. Which is also one of the main leads. I seriously love the opening theme song it's quite relaxing.I'm really bad at summarizing aren't I? I didn't even provide you guys with pictures of the drama. you're just gonna have to watch it yourself then :P Here's a link : http://sugoideas.com/drama-2010/love-buffet/ you can watch it here. they basically have links of youtube parts. I was too excited for this drama so like... hours and hours ago I already went on youtube to find it and I found one with 10 parts for just 1 episode this one only has 5 but I'm certain it has better quality and has all the parts. Cause the one I say had some advertisements inside where as Sugoideas never has advertisements. So that's all for today.
After the theme song it's both of the main guy leads talking to their grand pa about living in Taiwan or some place. I forget where it was but yeah they go and you see them heading to the house of the little girl but all grown up. She's in her house with her mom and sister. She calls her dad which is a television sales man. So they arrive and they don't have the key to go inside so they try to force the windows open which make the family think that there are burglars. Everyone except for the girl "Xiao fei" hears it so her lights are still on. The smart brother Da-yi goes to her window and she thinks it's her dad so she opens the window. He asks her if she has the keys to the house above but she has this like mud mask on or something and starts to scream. Da-ya hears the scream and goes over to see what's wrong but in the end he sees a girl with a mud mask and screams as she's screaming. So the police come.
The next scene they are sitting in the house eating fried rice. and this whole entire introduction starts on who's who. Like not those cheese people freezing and the screen angle changes and this fly in text comes in telling us what their names are. It's just those like conversations and you just get to know the people. So the very next day she brings the brothers to school and they're actually pretty famous in the school because they're suppose to inherit some company or something in the future. So a lot of people like them. And as the episode continues you get to know that Da-ya is this very outgoing and confident person where as Da-yi is a very quiet yet smart person. you see this flash back of Da-yi at this company with this girl who gives him coffee. As you see this flash back you can already tell that he likes this girl because he still has the coffee cup she gave him to use.
The rest is really just following the manga and all this typing is killing my wrist so I'm just gonna continue but very short. So during this episode we get to know that Xiao-fei and Da-yi are in the same class and she has to take care of these kids with this guy. But she accidentally breaks his cup and he gets angry at her. Then she gets to take care of this dog that someone gave up and she promised Da-yi that she'll find this dog a new owner. She takes care of this dog with Da-ya which her friends believe is in love with her. I forget how the episode ended but I can't wait until episode 2 which I have to wait 6 days for.
Have a good day! :)
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