Kay I know I said I would recap My princess. And I didn't yesterday but the thing is today Love Buffet just came out and I TOTALLY have to recap this first. But if you HAVE to read a recap Here's a link of Dramabeans recapping My Princess' First episode: My Princess: Episode 01 Recap and I assure you this person is the best recapper ever! But now I'll be talking about Love buffet! I hate how it's always only one episode per week. And it always has to be Sunday. It's like the last day of the week! Args! So here we go (I've made the most printscreens this time):

This episode starts with what was left off from last episode (Click on last episode to comprehend each actor's name in the drama) where both DY & XF were at the ocean side and talking to each other because DY had rejected CE. On their way back home DY wanted to be a gentlemen and take her bag but then all her things fall out and he sees this notebook with a picture sticking out. The picture is of someone in his
class. And since she's keeping this photo he believes that she likes him but in fact she's keeping this photo because they are both together in the back of his photo. So he tries to introduce (Ahjie) AJ to her (which is the guy in the photo). She doesn't want DY to know she actually kept the photo because he was in it so she agrees to see this guy AJ. AJ's a very simple minded and innocent person so it was hard for her to reject him right away.
class. And since she's keeping this photo he believes that she likes him but in fact she's keeping this photo because they are both together in the back of his photo. So he tries to introduce (Ahjie) AJ to her (which is the guy in the photo). She doesn't want DY to know she actually kept the photo because he was in it so she agrees to see this guy AJ. AJ's a very simple minded and innocent person so it was hard for her to reject him right away.

The next scene you see AJ going to look for XF. And her friends make fun of him saying that he has a really ugly pose in the photo making him look like a depressed person (or something like that) and you see him doing the same pose in the photo. Her friends feel embarrassed and leave her alone with him. They have a talk:
AJ: so you never liked me and you like DY?
XF: Yeah... I'm very sorry.
AJ: I've never been in a relationship before and the first time I do it's actually a mistake?
XF: Do you want juice? Here...
AJ: I feel like I'm in love
XF: No! NO! You're not in love I'm not in love. WE don't like each OTHER!
AJ: then you can have it back...
XF: no no... I gave it to you.
AJ: So if I drink this will you consider going out with me?
XF: ...
AJ: I knew it.

Both XF and DY feeling guilty they find a way to say sorry to AY. XF sees graffiti on a wall so they both draw a graffiti saying: Ah-Yi Sorry Sorry. Like the photo above. They start dancing Sorry sorry by Super Junior so AY starts smiling and says that both of them are stupid. They both admit to it and he grabs the spray cans and start drawing over the Yi. Then Both of them join in and start to make the Yi into a flower (kinda). By Sunset they are finished playing around and sit down on the slope.

When they get home all the neighborhood's kids come out and start to play with fireworks together. DY helps the kids with their fireworks. XF and AY sit together. He looks at her and tells her that he thinks she's a charming person and that he's attracted to her. She looks at him oddly and then turns away as the fireworks start to rise to the sky. They all enter back to their house. DY wants to talk to AY but AY gets angry at him again and pushes him away and the books in his bookshelf fall down so DY wants to put them back. But then he spots this paper in the gap of the wall (which is the paper that XF put in when she was a little kid on the first episode). DY starts to wonder what both of them have.

The next day you see AJ and XF talking at the stairs. They are now friends and talk with each about feelings and DY because they both know about each other's feelings. AJ doesn't understand why XF doesn't tell DY her feelings. He then states that it's kinda like lying and cheating (but in a nice manner). XF also understands that. And then he asks:
AJ: Wouldn't it be worse if you saw DY with another girl?AJ: Would you be able to stand it...?

Both of them sit out and she suddenly stands up.
XF: I have something to say...XF: Actually, The one I likeXF: Is youDY: Is meXF: I know this is going to be hard on youDY: XF, you know what I'm going to sayXF: I know, and I'm sorry I just find it really hard. It's okay I understand*she starts to walk offDY: XF be careful do you need my help? *lends his handXF: No, If you don't like me please don't show affection towards me it's really hard for me to accept it when you do this.
So then she starts walking with a hurt ankle and AY shows up in front of DY. He punches DY and walks off. DY is sitting there covering his punched face stunned.

Because of what happened to her leg she goes to the doctors with CE. CE starts dissing her saying that she really is a retard to confessing just because others told her to. But she then tells her that just because she's so simple minded that she cares about her. So then they both become really good friends with each other. That very day they all go to sing Karaoke together and all end up crying together.

Have a good day! :)
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