Today's equation: [World History Exam] + [Spanish Oral Exam] - [Stress] + [24/24 on Oral] + [Good music] - [Unhappy people + Stressed people] + Tofu = Happy day! :)

Positive: I got 24 / 24 on Spanish Oral Exam today! And I actually enjoyed doing my World History Exam. That's my first time enjoying an Exam. There were a few questions I did not understand. I wrote in my new agenda today. I heard a few amazing songs! and I am halfway done my exams. So what is one of my amazing songs I want to show you?
Apparently this band is from Canada! :) I believe they are younger than me. They're 13 - 14? The Main girl whose singing looks a lot like my French exchange student so I felt a connection watching the MV. And the song is quite interesting and I've taken a liking to it although I don't understand why they are using kids at such a young age to create a band but then again... Disney Channel isn't any further from the age from this band. Unless they all just look young but they're actually in University / close to High school understanding. I swear people these years look older than their actual age. am I the only one who looks absolutely not like my age? :S Also the girls of this band are beautiful! Which reminds me of this video I saw today with this BEAUTIFUL girl. Let me look for it... Here She is beautiful! But what she has to say isn't really that easily looked upon. It's sad watching it but I just don't understand why she'd post it online :S She's beautiful and I'm sure people are just jealous of her. (: Cause I'm jealous of her. I would LOVE to be that pretty. :)
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