Finally Done watching but this Post will be only about Love Buffet. I'll keep updating on last post since that's really "Today's Special". So once again! If you haven't been one of the people who keep track of my Love Buffet entries here are some entries:
- Today's Special: Sorry not Haircut [Part 2]
- Today's Special: Love Buffet Episode 03!
- Today's Special: Love Buffet EP 04 Recap!
- Today's Special: Exams are overrr + Love Buffet EP 05 Recap!
Going to previous entries will allow you to know the Nicknames I give the characters. I realized I've made the MOST Screencaps in this Episode. On Episode 04 I probably did around 20 something? But for this Episode I did around 42 Screen caps. and because I was afraid that Flash would crash so I had to screencap while watching. So I will no begin the recap! (You can click the pictures to enlarge them if your mouse has a hand sign)

This episode starts off from where it ended off last time. Because of the hay rolling she trips and sprains her ankle.
AY is worried so he rushes over and tells her that he'll carry her back. Like the scene above. Everyone is left behind and AY is carrying XF back. While he carries her they have a conversation and she asks him whether she's heavy and he gives her a sarcastic comment saying no because he's carrying a magical pig. And then to herself in her head she says that she appreciates the affection he shows her.
So that night she's in her hotel room with her girl friends and they start asking about AY asking about whether they'd end up together. CE strongly approves of AY and XF gets all flustered and tells them that she's going to get something to eat so she heads out to a convenience store. At the convenience store DY come up behind her and asks her if she was hungry and where AY was. She answer yes that she didn't know where he was. As she walks because of the sprain she cries in pain. So DY (the caring self he is) gives her a hand and has his hand on her shoulder. Suddenly a cup noodle flies over and hits DY's Head. It was thrown by AY. AY scolds XF telling her that if she's hurt she should've asked her friends to get food for her instead of coming out by herself. She insists that she's okay until she walks and she cries in pain again. AY suddenly gets down onto his knees and tells her that he'll carry her back. XF looks at DY awkwardly and DY just stands there. "it's okay I wanna read some magazines anyways you guys can head back first." DY tells them so she gets on and they head out. As they're walking back to the hotel she asks AY a lot of questions and tells him that he shouldn't be that mean to DY because he doesn't like her anyways so he had no intentions. AY tells her that he knows but he just can't stand there and watch. AY is worried so he rushes over and tells her that he'll carry her back. Like the scene above. Everyone is left behind and AY is carrying XF back. While he carries her they have a conversation and she asks him whether she's heavy and he gives her a sarcastic comment saying no because he's carrying a magical pig. And then to herself in her head she says that she appreciates the affection he shows her.

They quietly sit there and enjoy the moment together. However, up above at the hotel DY comes out of his room onto the balcony and he sees both AY and XF together. The next morning as everyone starts to head out to go back home DY and AY are both holding XF on each side to help her walk. She start to say to herself: This trip wasn't really a trip to help me on my broken heart but I'm happy that I came. Although nothing has changed between all of us and there has been no progress. I understand now that everything has it's meaning...
When they're back she gets her salary from her part time job at the Japanese restaurant that AY works at. And she remembers that it's DY's birthday soon so she wants to buy a present. She asks AY whether he'd like to go buy a present for DY with her. As they're walking in the streets people start whispering that they look like couples and that AY was very good looking as a boyfriend. Everyone kept saying that they'd want a boyfriend like AY. As they continue a TV station interviewer suddenly pops up and tries to get them to talk for their television show. It's a couples show and apparently they won a prize:
I: Congratulations! You guys have won the first place Prize! A couple CRUISE! Happy aren't you? aren't you? Aren't you!!
XF: it's not like thiss! Not like this!
I: Not like this? How about you tell all our viewers what you name is!
XF: My name is Wu Xiao Feng
I: Wu Xiao...
AY: You Idiot! Why are you telling them your real name?
I: Heh he.. Very active, a very active couple! Ah-yoh, Admit it! Couples are couples!
AY: This girl already has someone else she likes
I: Uh... (Very awkward) Then you must be a very Nice guy. Or why would you guys look like couples but aren't couples but you guys also give out a couple feeling...
(AY grabs XF's hand and starts running)
I: Eh? EH! come back!
After running away from the report they end up buying what DY wants which is a bicycle. The next scene we see XF preparing a cake for DY and he sister comes over to ask her what it's for. She tells her it's DY's birthday cake. Her sister complains saying that a 15 dollar cake isn't much and she tells her that she also bought a very expensive bike and she also prepared something else.
The next scene both XF and AY congratulate DY. They tell him that they got him what he wanted which was a bike but instead of a real bike they got him a small model bike. DY was confused and said that he couldn't ride this bike so he was a bit unhappy that's when XF takes out her "other" present out for DY. She hands him an envelope and tells him that it's another present for him from her. AY is also surprised since they planned to get a present combined for DY. DY's extremely happy and when he opens the envelope he finds pictures of him inside it. "I want to return these to you. I know it's a bit weird because I've been collecting them but now I don't need them anymore. I didn't want to throw them out so I'm giving them to you." she pauses and looks at both of them and bows down "Thank you and please take good care of me!" she ends off. and then all of them enjoy cake together. When XF leaves AY check his phone and he gets a phone call from this woman. He looks unhappy and looks at his cup that XF broke on the first episode.

The next day, XF skips towards AY and tells him that she has a present for him and he looks up at her very moody. "Ta-dah! It's a CUP! I made it myself!" She says and shows him this cup she made. He looks at the cup and hits it out of her hand and says "DON'T EVER GIVE ME CUPS!" the pieces are on the floor and he looks at them then gets up and storms out the classroom. That night XF stares at them and looks unhappy. The next day AY looks for her at the Tennis court and wants to speak to her. He hands her a pudding and says he's sorry. He tells her that he really likes the fact that she made him a cup and that he'll put all his concentration into like her properly. She accepts the pudding and brightens up.
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AY gives XF Pudding |
That night AY comes home late and DY tells him that he prepared Fried rice but AY tells him that he already ate with XF. DY looks unhappy but tells AY that he's fine. AY goes to take a shower and DY stays on the couch to watch TV. Suddenly the Couple show comes on and XF and AY are on TV. DY looks shocked but it wasn't only DY who saw the show there was also XF's parents and friends. Although both of them didn't say they were couples in person the Show cut out that part and cut and pasted their pictures together. The next day the whole school was talking about them.

XF kept telling everyone that it wasn't true and her friends even tried to explain it but everyone kept insisting that it was true. AY comes to class and tells XF that people can think whatever they want but he won't say anything. So people continue to spread that they were together. Then XF goes to Tennis and everyone there is also spreading rumors she tries to explain it to everyone even CE who seems to be the only one who believes her and tells her that it's a good thing since XF and AY look good together. That until another tennis member goes up to XF and asks her if she and AY are together. DY seems to be eavesdropping and then the member goes up to DY and asks him. He suddenly turns into a very mean and rude person saying that he doesn't know anything and whatever XF says is true if she says it's true. The memeber, XF and CE are all shocked then he suddenly says he's joking and that he got her.

After tennis XF and DY are sitting on a bench. DY looks unhappy and tells XF that they were like rocks. Before they were all together just the 3 of them but now he's a rock that separated from the other 2 rocks. XF looks at him and tells him that she doesn't want this to happen and she didn't really want all of them to be separated. He say that he doesn't know what's happening nor does he understand why. He then tells her that he has to leave and he leaves her sitting there alone holding all 3 rocks.

The next day both DY and AY had to go to their grandpa's house and visit them and tell them about how they are right now. DY tries to hype up the atmosphere and tells both of them that AY is now dating and that they shouldn't worry. AY denies it and starts to get angry. "If you deny it that means you don't really like her do you? If you don't you shouldn't be like this! I worry about XF!" shouts DY which causes them to leave and have a small fight outside the house. Then back at school someone goes up to AY and asks him to go outside the library because she has something to say to him. She confesses to him but he rejects her saying that he has someone he likes but the person he likes doesn't like him back.
That night XF goes up to DY and AY's house to give them food her dad had prepared for them. DY invites her in and she starts to talk to AY about what she eavesdropped about that morning outside the library. AY complains and tells her that she's an eavesdropper and she says that she isn't she's just trying to understand and that she only heard a bit of it. Both of them then start arguing and DY comes and interferes them. XF tells DY that she's leaving but DY gets angry and tells her to stay he demands an explanation. He says the same phrase again, saying that he doesn't understand what's happening and feels like he's not part of them anymore. He asks whether AY actually likes XF and everything goes quiet. He admits he does and for a moment it looks like DY was gonna hit him but then he puts on this happy face and puts his arm around AY and tells him "That's how it should be!" Then they eat together that night together happily.

The next day at school every class was preparing for the fall / summer festival which means that every class had to prepare an event or something with a theme. XF was asked what to do so she said that they could have a Japanese heat plate theme because AY knows how to cook on a Hot plate. AY gets angry because he did not want to do it but in the end he does so that night everyone goes over to AY and DY's to learn how to cook on a Hot plate. By half time everyone wants to raid his house so they start going to his room and start to search for things. XF also wants to join in and looks into his closet which is where he hid the cup (that he said he threw out when he was talking to her about the cup she made). AY is surprised and rushes towards the closet to hide it from XF but she already saw it. DY realizes the situation and tells everyone that that's the place where he keeps his "books" so no one should go there and that everyone could raid his room instead. Interest lost, everyone goes out of the room. except for XF, DY and AY.

The next day is the festival and the cooks of the hot plate were themed to dress as women and women to dress as men. so AY had turned into a girl. He gets shy and tells XF to go hand out the advertisements for the stall. On her way there she gets distracted by AJ singing about CE as DY also joins in to play. As she starts to walk back to her own stall a little girl holds onto her hands and asks where her mom was. XF as a children lover helps the girl to find her mom.
Like I said in the last recap, they're following the book. At least the main points of the book. But because there are no character developments I can't seem to connect to them... Especially because the main girl seems to have no character what so ever. She just seems to be there because that's what the story needs, a girl that two guys want. And I got to say, I love the scenery in each scene. They're pretty unique. Except for the school. However, they are really good at laying out the same background for the school because in the manga the school was drawn exactly like that. And although I love Aaron Yan the actor for AY (Hardy har har the initials go the same way for the character he's playing) I know I'm going to grow to not like his character sooner or later. In the manga he's destined to hurt XF much more than she was hurt with DY. I believe Aaron Yan is just perfect for the role AY however they make him look too... feminine like not just style but the way he acts. Or maybe I'm just asking for too much. And they should've got Wuchun to film AY if they were really gonna stick to dressing him up as a girl cause he just doesn't look good as a girl other than his eyes.

And the part where he touches XF's face because something was on it. It was just too awkward especially when he asked the sister to draw both of them as the main characters in her manga. The AY in the manga was much more mysterious and unexpected than that. Although it was unexpected what he asked for but like... something made it seem like such a bad act.

And I also realized there's alot of piggybacking in this episode it's extremely... weird. Maybe because in the manga a day actually feels like one. In this one a Day was probably like 5 minutes of acting. OMG! and when he was carrying her back from the convenience store, I was wondering how many shots that took and if she was heavy. What if she was Really heavy and he had to do that shot like millions of times his arm must be in ultra pain. But that would also mean he has AMAZING acting skills to look like he has no expression while carrying her on an unbalanced road. Can't wait till next episode cause DY finally realizes he might like XF! :) OH and I forget this awesome quote that they only repeated like 2 - 3 times in this episode that was very significant in the manga. It was: "If DY was the sun and AY was the Moon. I was blinded by the sun's happy radiance in the morning but when the night fell I finally realized that the moon was as bright as the sun." - It was something close to that but it's super significant because that's a turning point in this drama that shows that she is beginning to like AY. There's also the moment where he takes something off her cheek she says: "The feeling is different. From DY's caring act and AY's gentle touch... I get a different feeling." this shows that she may not have really 'Liked' DY. In the manga She ends up with DY and not AY but we'll see how it ends in this drama :)
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