Yes! Exams are over like my Entry title says. Today I finished my Law exam! Hooray! :) I'm super relaxed noww. So Like I promised I'd recap Love Buffet. And if you don't know what love buffet is here are previous Entries on Love buffet:
- Today's Special: Sorry not Haircut [Part 2]
- Today's Special: Love Buffet Episode 03!
- Today's Special: Love Buffet EP 04 Recap!
I don't remember if I've talked about Love buffet in any other of my entries so I'll only link those 3. That means Today's gonna be a recap on Episode 05! And like my previous recaps *Pictures included! But I realized that screencapping takes a lot of time so there are less pictures than last time. Before I begin, if you're not interested you can just scroll all the way until the very end of this entry for other stuff! :)
So in this episode we learn more about AY. And once again if you don't know the short terms I am using for the name please check Episode 03 Entry because I explain who's who in that entry.
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AY helping XF from falling out a window :) |
So the episode starts with what I left off last time. This girl is putting her hand on DY's Forehead to check if he's sick and then XF walks in. She sees this happen so she runs out and DY chases after her. She starts crying and he says that there's nothing going on between him and that girl and she asks him if that's all he wanted to say. She hits his hands off and runs off. The next scene you see her eating TONS of cakes with her friends and her friends tell her that maybe she's being too selfish because DY does seem to care about her. So that night she sits out on her window and stares up at DY's Window. AY calls out her name and she tilts slightly backwards falling onto him (slightly). So he tells XF that "Yeahh, DY hasn't been cooking for me lately and just locks himself in his room after he comes back from school". So that very night XF thinks it over and says: well it's okay if I like him. I don't understand why we can't be friends both ways!

XF: DY when you thought that I liked AJ did you ever feel uncomfortable?
DY: Yes...
XF: And lately you've been always hanging out with girls; is it because you feel bad about rejecting me?
DY: Yes...
XF: Then do you wanna be friends again?
DY: Yes,
XF: Then lend me your shoulder for a minute.
And then they become friends again after she hits him on the shoulder. Which leads to the next scene.
Everyone has left school and she's sleeping on her desk AY walks in. He wants to wake her up and reaches his hand out and he hears: "I want to eat Curry rice..." he smiles thinking 'hah, that's cute' that until she mumbles "DY..." right after. He gets angry and kicks her desk and she shouts "Earthquake?!". They walk home together starting at this point. She tells AY what she told DY and says that all is well now and that in the summer she plans to be doing A LOT of things so She won't be thinking of DY. AY asks her if she'd be a loner then. She answers no and says that her friends would be with her and if not she could always look for him. He smiles and says that she could in fact he has plans for tonight with her.

He asks her out to a small rock concert that AJ plays lead in and she agrees. Before they get there she's dressed her best and even wore High heels which she doesn't do normally. But he notices that she's not wearing the clip he gave her so his faces turns are straightfaced :P (aww cutie!) She realizes that he's looking at the clip and she says that it's because the one he bought seemed to be expensive and she didn't want to loose it so she didn't wear it. But then she also tells him that she invited someone else to also go with them which is CE (whom she's super good friends with now). During the entire concert he seemed to be very angry so CE pulls XF away and tells her that she feels a certain vibe between them and leaves knowing that there's something going on between them. She joins AY again and starts to look uneasy he asks what's wrong and she tells him that it's her first time wearing high heels and that the shoes are new.

They leave the concert and sit outside on the bench. He takes off her high heels and looks at her foot. "you've scratched the back of your foot" he says. and tells her that he's going to run to get a bandaid which he does. And on his way back at XF, DY suddenly appears with his friend to watch AJ's concert. XF's embarrassed and stuffs her foot into her hand bag. and tells him to leave. When AY comes back DY sees them both together.

After putting on the bandaid XF can't seem to walk so AY piggybacks her home. On their way home they talk about DY since she saw him. She asks AY if he's angry at her for inviting CE and he immediately says that he is. She asks for forgiveness and he tells her that he won't forgive her unless she does what he wants which is...

Which is working with him at the restaurant he works at. But... DY also seems to be going for the same job. AY knows that she doesn't really want to see him and tells her that she could quit if she wants but then the manager says that she only wants to hire one. So both XF and DY tryout for the job place. While they are both trying out three wives and their child come into the restaurant and seem to be extremely picky with what food they want. XF suggest that they eat already prepared food instead of cooking it themselves since they have their child and the hot plate in front of them might burn them. but the moms still want to cook their food by themselves. So she switches on the hot plate. Suddenly a child holds out his hand and was almost going to touch the hot plate, XF reaches out and grabs the child which makes the child cry. The moms complain and leave the restaurant. All three (XF, DY and AY) who also yelled at the moms were called by the manager. All three of them thought they were going to be fired but instead she hires all three of them saying that she likes their sense of justice and young intuition.
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XF realizes water falling |
After work, DY tells XF to walk home with him since AY still has to clean up. They walk home and DY complains that he saw XF and AY together that night at the concert but he doesn't seem to mind. XF goes home and talks to herself in the mirror saying that she's imagining all these things thinking that both of them like her. And suddenly she realizes these drips of water falling through the ceiling. (DY and AY live above her house). She heads upstairs and the door is open. She has a feeling that something is wrong and enters the house asking for DY and AY but there's no answer.

She finds out that the water's coming from the bathroom so she opens the door and finds DY in the bath tub... She calls his name but there's no answer so she thinks he's fainted or even worse she walks / runs over and slips into the bathtub. The video showed 3 different angles of her DY and the bathtub but I wasn't going to screen cap all 3 so I screen capped the one that seemed the most clear of all the time she fell in. Not only does she fall in once but twice. The next time she tries to get up she slips back in.
She gets up again after the second fall and wants to run back home but DY suggest that she change into something dry before going back home or she'll catch a cold so she ends up wearing DY's clothes. Both of them sit awkwardly on the couch blow drying her clothes and the rest of the house. After a while of awkward silence DY suggest drinks. He goes to get Coke and when she opens it, it sprays all over DY.

As she's wiping all the coke off him AY walks in. (Wayy to go, she should've left while she could I wouldn't mind going back home in wet clothes if I just live downstairs...) AY can tell that XF was wearing DY's shirt and gets angry. He yells at her telling her to leave and that she's not allowed up here anymore. The next day everything weird and no one talks to each other. XF tries to return the Tee by ringing the door bell and leaving the shirt on the bench beside the door. AY spots it and throws it at DY remembering what happened last night. AY wants to say sorry for how rude he was and waits for XF at her tennis practice but when he gets there he sees DY rubbing something off XF's cheek and he gets jealous / angry again and tells them to go home.
XF goes to get changed at the tennis change rooms but as she's changing a perv is at the window looking at her. She screams and AY rushes in. (A knight in shinning armor would not even appear that fast...) She tells him that she saw a perv. He runs out and tries to run after the perv but he's gone. He runs back into the change room and the romantic moment comes when she goes into his arms and just stands there as he hugs her. (Aww?)
She then says to herself in her head: "I never really wanted to rely on AY but sometimes he just there..." (don't you ever wish there was a someone like that? Appears when you're in trouble, is brilliantly smart and seems to be the guy that everyone wants yet no one has gotten him yet?) That night he asks her out again and they are both on the top floor of some building and the view is beautiful. There's a TV screen in the wall as they are siting outside on this building top. "whoaa! I've never watched a movie this way!" she says and he smiles. But during the whole movie she couldn't pay attention because during the movie they have this super serious talk:

(He starts to stare intense at her)
XF: AY, I like how we are right now. I don't want our relationship to go wrong. Let's just stay as we are right now. Okay?
AY: I know... I'm sorry.
XF: You don't have to say sorry! You see me and DY right now are...
AY: I understand, however, that's just a part of you - the other part that likes him, other than ignoring it I don't have any other way. I accept the you who still likes DY.
(He reaches over to hold her hand)
AY: I'll be right next to you and be with with right until that part that likes him disappears. Is that alright?
(She removes her hand from his)
XF: I don't know what to say or do to what you just said...
AY: I don't need you to do anything And I don't need you to like me back just... please don't ignore that there's someone like me right before you.
Then the next scene she's back home. She walks in and sits down then her parents start to talk about both guys. The dad votes for AY where as the mom votes for DY. The next day at tennis CE suggest that they both go on vacation at her place. But in the end all her friends and both of the guys are also invited.
CE thinks that this will help XF get together with AY but she didn't know that AY already confessed to her. On their trip XF feels very embarrased and uneasy around AY so she keeps trying to be in a team with other people.

At the very last scene of this episode everyone is playing some game that needs you to roll these huge hay rolls down the hill. As they were rolling XF trips and gets hurt AY immediately leaves the hay roll and runs towards XF asking her if she's okay.

I got to say at least they are following the original manga. Everything has been going as it was written just somethings are different. The time between each scene or day seems to been incredibly short I think it's because it's a show and they can't make it that long but really... the scenes seem absolutely quick. The character development was at a normal pace in the manga now it just seems like they're forcing each character to be... very (their character?). And they filmed the bathtub scene quite well I thought they'd be very protective over that scene. And they also make AY like such a weirdo in the show. and cause it's Aaron Yan that's acting this character it doesn't seem that weird but if it was some other actor I didn't know I'd think that the character had emotion issues. Although he is suppose to but... he's not suppose to show THAT much emotion in just one episode. That's just too... quick! And boyy, I typed alot for today's episode I guess that's for now recapping during that time. I'll probably do episode 06 tomorrow. If not, I'll do it on Saturday or Sunday (On Sunday Episode 07 is coming out!).
A few drama recommendations before I end off today's recap would be:
- Sign - It's a Korean drama about forensics and crime. Pretty interesting what's even funnier is that my mom introduced this drama to me. Now we watch it together
- My Princess - Also a Korean drama very interesting, it's a natural comedy romance. If you've watched too many of those lately then maybe you should take a break before watching this.
- Dream High - Although I've only watched episode 01 and 02 (and I wasn't really interested before) / I am now. Cause of IU and wooyoung. I'm only watching for those two. And Yes I only watched episode 1 and 2 but I've been reading recaps of other people and seeing their reviews and I've onyl enjoyed the parts IU and Wooyoung play so yeah. This could be a watcher
- The Fierce wife - Not really a happy drama. and it's Taiwan drama like Love buffet. This one will get you angry at the characters and demand for a divorce starting from episode 02 / 03. watch it only if you can tolerate a husband that cheats on his wife with the wife's cousin. I'm just waiting until the part she divorces him then I'd be super happy and I'd LOVE to watch.
- [Variety] 100 Points out of 100 / Oh my school! -A Korean Variety show. Very interesting. Funny and absolutely captivating especially since Lee Hong Ki and Minho is it in.
- Paradise ranch - I haven't really watched it but I like the main guy he's good looking and the reviews are pretty good. The little bits of jealousy and love is also very captivating
Have a good day and today was a SUPER LONG ENTRY! :)
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